中国红黄壤地区土壤利用改良区划是根据国家农委、科委、农业部联合下达的任务要求,由中科院南京土壤研究所和江西省红壤研究所共同牵头,南方十一个省(区)有关单位派人参加,组成“南方红黄壤改良利用区划协作小组”,从1980年5月开始工作,至1982年10月完成的一项科研成果。研究内容包括:(1)中国红黄壤地区土壤利用改良区划;(2)中国红黄壤地区土壤利用改良区划图(1:1 50万);(3)中国红黄壤地区土壤利用改良区划土区区划表;(4)中国红黄壤地区土壤利用改良区划提要。
The redistribution of soil in red-yellow soil region in China is based on the task request jointly issued by the State Commission of Agriculture, Science and Technology Commission and Ministry of Agriculture. It is jointly led by Nanjing Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Jiangxi Red Soil Research Institute. Relevant units in 11 southern provinces Send people to participate in the formation of “Red and Yellow Soil Improvement and Utilization Zoning Cooperation Group” from May 1980 to work in October 1982 to complete a scientific research. The research contents include: (1) the improved zoning of soil use in China’s red-yellow soil areas; (2) the improved zoning map of red soil areas in China (1: 1.5 million); (3) the zoning of soil- Table; (4) China red and yellow soil area soil improvement zoning summary.