
来源 :通俗歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sogood1918
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声乐是人声演唱的基本音乐形式,虽然以发声为主,但在发声过程中需要演唱者对口腔、舌头、鼻腔巧妙的加利用,才能发出动听悦耳的声音,所以声乐技巧在声乐表演过程中,有着十分重要的意义及作用,歌唱者可以通过不同声乐技巧,完整的阐述出自己对声乐艺术的理解,使之可以更好的表达歌曲本身,但是现在很多声乐表演过程中,对于声乐技巧性的运用还存在很多问题,歌唱者不能很好的利用各种声乐技巧,不仅无法表现作品内涵,同时也阻止着整个声乐表演艺术的发展。 Vocal music is the basic form of vocal music. Although vocal music is the main form of vocal music, it requires singers to use their mouth, tongue and nasal passages skillfully in their vocals. , Has a very important meaning and role, the singer can use different vocal skills, a complete exposition of their own understanding of vocal art, so that it can better express the song itself, but now many vocal performances, the vocal skills There are still many problems in the use of singers can not make good use of vocal skills, not only can not show the content of the work, but also prevent the development of the vocal performance art.
在河北省京剧院的办公区,墙上挂有宋德珠(1918~1984)等几位老艺术家的照片,我每天上下班都要从旁走过。每当望着宋先生那慈祥的面容,往事历历浮现眼前。宽以待人 “文革”期
建立了织布机机架振动的有限元模型,并推导了机架结构有限元方程,分析了方程解的收敛条件。最后用模态的方法测试了织布机架十阶固有频率。 The finite element model of the
Occurrence degree of the accident on Zhejiang freeway is graded. Evaluation indicator system of weather impact on freeway is established. We use principal compo
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