Arterial stiffness, vascular calcification and bone metabolism in chronic kidney disease

来源 :World Journal of Nephrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktcalf
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Patients with chronic kidney disease(CKD) have an extremely poor cardiovascular outcome. Arterial stiffness, a strong independent predictor of survival in CKD, is connected to arterial media calcification. A huge number of different factors contribute to the increased arterial calcification and stiffening in CKD, a process which is in parallel with impaired bone metabolism. This coincidence was demonstrated to be part of the direct inhibition of calcification in the vessels, which is a counterbalancing effect but also leads to low bone turnover. Due to the growing evidence, the definition of “CKD mineral bone disorder” was created recently, underlining the strong connection of the two phenomena. In this review, we aim to demonstrate the mechanisms leading to increased arterial stiffness and the up-to date data of the bone-vascular axis in CKD. We overview a list of the different factors, including inhibitors of bone metabolism like osteoprotegerin, fetuin-A, pyrophosphates, matrix Gla protein, osteopontin, fibroblast growth factor 23 and bone morphogenic protein, which seem to play role in the progression of vascular calcifi-cation and we evaluate their connection to impaired arterial stiffness in the mirror of recent scientific results. Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have an extremely poor cardiovascular outcome. Arterial stiffness, a strong independent predictor of survival in CKD, is connected to arterial media calcification. A huge number of different factors contribute to the increased arterial calcification and stiffening in CKD This process is is parallel to impaired bone metabolism. This coincidence was demonstrated to be part of the direct inhibition of calcification in the vessels, which is a counterbalancing effect but also leads to low bone turnover. of “CKD mineral bone disorder ” was created recently, underlining the strong connection of the two phenomena. In this review, we aim to demonstrate the mechanisms leading to increased arterial stiffness and the up-to date data of the bone-vascular axis in CKD. We overview a list of the different factors, including inhibitors of bone metabolism like osteoprotegerin, fetuin-A, pyrophosphates, matrix Gl a protein, osteopontin, fibroblast growth factor 23 and bone morphogenic protein, which seem to play role in the progression of vascular calcifi-cation and we evaluate their connection to impaired arterial stiffness in the mirror of recent scientific results.
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