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1962年8月生于河南开封。中国书法家协会创作委员会会员,河南省书法家协会副主席,河南省直书法家协会副主席,中华诗词学会会员,河南省诗词学会常务理事,河南省书画院专业书法家。书法作品参加全国第三、四、五、六、七届书法篆刻展览,全国中青年第三、四、五、六、七、八届书法篆刻展览,河南省第二届“墨海弄潮”展,四川“巴蜀点兵”现代书法展,中国书法年展等大型展览。获全国中青年第三届书法篆刻展优秀奖,河南省第二届“龙门”银奖。作品被中南海、河南省博物院等收藏。黄河碑林、淮河碑林、曲阜孔子碑林、常德诗墙等数十家碑林刻碑。作品入选荣宝斋《孙子兵法》《唐宋诗选百家书》木刻水印珍藏本。1989年随中国妇女书法家代表团访问日本;2001年9月在镇江举办“胡秋萍书法艺术展暨《胡秋萍书法艺术》首发式”。中国书法杂志、中国书画报、书法报、书法导报、河南电视台等多家新闻媒体作专题报道。出版有《胡秋萍书法作品集》《胡秋萍书法艺术》《秋歌-浸月斋诗稿》。 Born in August 1962 in Kaifeng, Henan. Chinese Calligraphers Association Creative Committee, vice chairman of Henan Calligraphers Association, Henan Province, straight calligraphers Association vice chairman, Chinese Poetry Society members, standing director of Henan Poetry Society, Henan calligraphy and painting professional calligrapher. Calligraphy works participated in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition, the young and middle aged three, four, five, six, seven, eight calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition, the second session of Henan Province “Mexican sea tide” exhibition , Sichuan “Spring Point” modern calligraphy exhibition, Chinese calligraphy exhibition and other large exhibitions. Won the third prize of middle-aged and young Chinese calligraphy and seal cutting Exhibition Excellence Award, Henan Province, the second “Dragon” Silver Award. Works by Zhongnanhai, Henan Provincial Museum and other collections. Beilin monument, Huaihe Forest of Stone Tablets, Qufu Confucius Forest of Stone Tablets, Changde poetry wall dozens of steles monument. Works selected Rong Bao Zhai “Art of War” “Tang and Song poems selected hundred books” woodcut watermark collection of this. In 1989, she visited China with a delegation of Chinese women calligraphers. In September 2001, she held “Hu Qiu-ping calligraphy art exhibition cum” Hu Qiu-ping calligraphy art “premiere in Zhenjiang. Chinese calligraphy magazines, Chinese calligraphy and painting, calligraphy, calligraphy, Henan TV and many other news media for special reports. He has published ”Hu Qiu Ping Calligraphy Works Collection“, ”Hu Qiu Ping Calligraphy Art“, ”Autumn Songs - Implicit Poems of Impromptu Poetry".
We report a first principles theoretical investigation of quantum transport in monolayer WSe2 field effect transistor (FET).Due to a strong spin-orbit interacti