Advanced Treatment Planning in Cancer Thermal Therapies

来源 :中国医疗设备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caibo782
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CEM43 thermal dose is a very common concept in thermal oncology.Thermal dose is the maximum amount of energy that can be transmitted during hyperthermia therapy conducted on temperature-sensitive tissue.Thermal dose is also the maximum value of local energy accumulation in human bodies,which can lead to tissue injury and pain.Thermal dose can also decrease the finishing temperature and reduce the energy to the tolerable range.There are two functions of the individualized hyperthermia treatment plan:it determines the setting and location that can realize the best tumor hyperthermia therapy;at the same time,it can decrease the effect of hyperthermia therapy on healthy tissues.There are four steps in the treatment plan of hyperthermia therapy for tumors:the first step is to establish a three dimensional human body model and its corresponding an atomical structure that can be used in numerical algorithm via medical imaging resources;the second step is to determine the volume of the electromagnetic energy accumulation.Based on the peculiarity of frequency and materials,even full-wave electromagnetic wave or quasi-static technique can be used to determine the tissue distribution.Evaluation of the therapy can be conducted based on thermal dose and the corresponding tissue damage model;the third step is to use Arrhenius model to provide direct evaluation of tissues in the thermal ablation zone,solidification zone,as well as the necrotic area;the last step is the optimization of the treatment plan. CEM43 thermal dose is the very common amount in the heat oncology.Thermal dose is the maximum amount of the energy amount that can be transmitted during hyperthermia therapy conducted on temperature-sensitive tissue. Heat dose is also the maximum value of local energy accumulation in human bodies, which can lead to tissue injury and pain.Thermal doses can also decrease the finishing temperature and reduce the energy to the tolerable range. There are two functions of the individualized hyperthermia treatment plan: it determines the setting and location that can realize the best tumor hyperthermia therapy at the same time, it can decrease the effect of hyperthermia therapy on healthy tissues. There are four steps in the treatment plan of hyperthermia therapy for tumors: the first step is to establish a three-dimensional human body model and its corresponding an atomical structure that can be used in numerical algorithm via medical imaging resources; the second step is to determine the volume of the electro magnetic energy accumulation. Based on the peculiarity of frequency and materials, even full-wave electromagnetic wave or quasi-static technique can be used to determine the tissue distribution. Evaluation of the therapy can be conducted based on thermal dose and the corresponding tissue damage model ; the third step is to use direct evaluation of tissues in the thermal ablation zone, solidification zone, as well as the necrotic area; the last step is the optimization of the treatment plan.
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