Praising and Criticizing in Teaching

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  Abstract:Praising and criticizing are often used by teachers in teaching. Different ways of praise and criticism have different effects. The paper states the function and principle of praising and criticizing from the points of learning motivation, learning strategies, teaching strategies and the angle of psychology. Presenting the main points to applying praise and criticize scientifically. Then offered the matters need attention in applying praising and criticizing.
  Key word: praise criticize teaching
  I. Introduction
  Praising and criticizing are often used by teachers in teaching. No matter it is proper or not. There are many scholars study how to how to apply praise and criticize in teaching. However rarely somebody study the function and principle that how to apply praise and criticize in teaching. The paper states the function and principle of praising and criticizing from the points of learning motivation, learning strategies, teaching strategies and the angle of psychology. Presenting the main points to applying praise and criticize scientifically.
  II. The definition of praise and criticize
  In teaching activities, Praising and criticizing are often used by teachers at teaching. Praising is the affirm evaluation of students’ good ideological and ethical standards,excellent academic record, and the extrude performance of other aspects. The education results produced is good. In contrast, praising is the negative evaluation for students’ bad words and deeds, and it help the students realize their disadvantage and shortage, then correct it and avoid it happening again. The effect it produced is negative.
  III. The function and principle of praising and criticizing
  1. The applying of learning motivation and strategies in learning
  Strategies are specific methods of approaching a problem or task, modes of operation for achieving a particular end, panned designs for controlling and manipulating certain information. They are contextualized “battle plans” that might vary from moment to moment, or day to day, or year to year. Strategies vary intra individually; each of us has a whole host of possible ways to solve a particular problem and we choose one or several of those in sequence for a given problem. In order to make a good job of study, students should have the explicit learning objectives, establishing learning objectives is one of the learning strategies, not only the general objectives but also the staged specific objective. Only with objective, students got the forwarding motive power. In the process of Praising and criticizing the students, at the same time teachers should offering the goal demanding, which obviously arousing their learning initiative. Through praising and criticizing, make the students know their learning process and the disadvantage of their score they got. Proposing the target of short term, metaphase, and forward target, is useful to guide them from a victory to another.
  The usual meaning of motivation for the teacher is probably the interest that something generates in the students. A particular exercise, a particular topic, praise or criticize, may make the students appear involved in the class, to the teacher’s delight. Appropriate praise and criticize are the affirmative or negative strengthen for student’s learning activity. Then it help to consolidate and developing correct learning motivation.
  2. The applying of teaching strategy in teaching
  In order to get the excellent score, students have learning strategies. Of course in order to obtain the excellent teaching consequence, teachers have the teaching strategies. Applying the appropriate teaching strategy in teaching process help the teachers get half the result with twice the effort about the teaching result. Praising and criticizing are often used by teachers in teaching. A success praise or criticize include objective and feedback function, and expect and evaluate function offered by teachers.
  Praising and criticizing are the information communication with the students, which can produce the setting of objective and the feedback function of information. Praising and criticizing evaluate the students individually and proposed expect for him. Expectation is some prospects cognition people for themselves or other people’s behavior. At school, expectation behaved in two aspects, which are expectation teachers for students and students for teachers. Teachers should be good at harmonize students expectation, making the students who succeed for higher expectation low down their expectation appropriately, making the students who failed for lower expectation increase their expectation appropriately. High expectation is too difficult to reach, which leads to down in spirits, and lose heart; low expectation make them escape learning. Expectation element can be displayed in the expectation teachers for students, and this kind of comment which contain expectation element can encourage students keep up the good work.
  3. The psychological characteristic of young students
  Young students are full of young blood, and full of strong desire to advance and emulation. They are mentally demanding get rid of parents’ tutelage, and govern themselves independently. They are special sensitive about people’s comments and analysis around them, especially school’s leader, teachers, and patriarch’s evaluation, even a common criticize can arose their fierce response. Teacher’s praising and criticizing should fit the young students’ psychological needing.
  IV.The characteristics of praising and criticizing
  1. The authenticity of praising and criticizing
  In the process of praising students, teachers should be sincere, not for praising to praising. Secondly, the praising fact should be accurate; otherwise, the student who is praised may be sneered and isolated by other students, at the same time, it also affects teachers’ prestige. When criticize students, firstly, knowing the whole thing’s happening, and then suit the remedy to the case, giving the appropriate criticize. If criticize the students unquestioningly, it can’t reach the education effect, and may be it will hurt students’ self-respect, even arose psychological inversion.
  2. The impartiality of praising and criticizing
  Praising and criticizing should be impartial, and cater to the whole表student, for their growing and progress, giving affirm and encourage without discrimination. They can only praising the excellent students’ advantages and criticizing the bad students’ disadvantages. It is important to praising the good students, but we should discover the shinning points of the backward student, it is just them who need praising urgently. If praise or criticize one or several students often, it will isolated the student be praised, and bruise the students’ enthusiasm who are not praised or criticized.
  3. Praising and criticizing should be in time
  Praising is a kind of encourage, therefore, praising in time can give play to its maximum efficacy. For example, praising a student who never dare to put up hands to answer question when he raise hands bravely. For a bad score student, praising his handwriting, teachers should praising in time for those extrude expression. If praising after the situation, he is lack of excite, which leads to good behavior fade away because out of in time enforcement. If criticizing without in time, the mistake will spread, formed habit, which difficult to correct.
  4. Praising and criticizing should be moderate
  Praising not enough will make the student feel inferior, the education advocate apply praising. But over praising not only can’t arouse students enthusiasm but also ignore self-disadvantages, leads to bad psychology capability. We always heard that some students go extreme after criticized by teacher or parents, even leaped to her own death. It is thus clear evident that they are low psychological diathesis, may be the criticize is too severe. So criticize also need a degree, criticize students blindly made them feel inferior and lose heart, even give oneself up as hopeless.
  5. The developing of praising and criticizing
  In educational practice, we saw that the teacher apply the praising method to make the bad students catch up with the good students. Those teachers saw the bad students’ progress and shinning of point because they treat the bad students with developing mind and they found their advantage. Through eliminate their antagonism, arouse their desire to advance, and then offered the farther demanding.
  The two means of education supplement each other and not a single one can be omitted. You will get unexpected effect which promotes the teaching efficacy if you are good at applying praising. Criticizing appropriately will improve students’ distinction about right and wrong, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, and arouse students’ desire to forward and growing healthy.
  V. How to apply praising and criticizing artistically
  1. Insisting principle that more praising and less criticizing
  Students in growing are eager for parents’ spirit encourage. Parents should catch their advantage as more as possible, insisting more praising and less criticizing, enhancing their keeping forward spirit strength. For the students who are bad for temporary, parents should praise them as more as possible, and try to explore their shining point. Parents’ a appropriate praising at a crucial time always change child’s life.
  2. Praising and criticizing fit students’ personal characteristic
  Teachers praising and criticizing should start from students’ actual and present facts, according to students’ inclination, hobby, character, and reception, adopting the best way and method, praising and criticizing make pointed references, achieved suit the remedy to the case effect. Boy students are easy affected by criticize, and girl students are easy affected by praise. Giving more criticize to the students who are full of arrogance, and more praise to the students who are timid and feel oneself inferior.
  3. Praising and criticizing should master the opportunity
  No criticize for the beginner; when students achieved 70 percent to 80 percent of the demanding, teachers could praise them and encourage them continue to keep forging ahead; praising and criticizing should be in time and without sum up at the end of term and numerate after autumn; praising can proceed in public and criticizing in distinct occasion.
  4. Praising and criticizing should aim at specific event
  In teaching process, criticize like “You are an idiot ” is cavity and without pertinence, and make personal abuse for the students, which withoutfacilitation function but arose students’ dissatisfy, oppose, and produced hostility andpsychological inversion, even students’ aggressive behavior.
  5. Fully applying the non-language tool
  There are many ways to praising and criticizing, it can be language type, and it can also be non-language type like expression language, body language, and entity language etc. The famous educationist makarenko think that teachers can’t be teaching without expression, those who are not good at apply expression can’t afford the job as a teacher. Only those who can make 20 slight difference expression in face, gesture and sound can be called a really teacher.
  VI. The matters need attention in applying praising and criticizing
  1. the matters need attention in applying praising
  ⑴ Be good at praising
  Teachers should know the motivation and the purpose why students make mistake, and shouldn’t stare at the mistake they made, at the same time, pay attention to that it is the student’s behavior should be criticized but not the student himself. As a teacher, he should survey the students from frontal and positive, and be good at discovering and catching student’s shinning points; praising with little criticizing skillfully will bring better effect.
  ⑵Praising should in time
  As for the behavior that should be praised, teachers should praise and encourage in time to reinforcing stimulus. Praising students should in time, and can’t praising after the matter, otherwise, praising will puzzled the students, not alone optimize the excellent quality and behavior function.
  ⑶Be happy to praising
  Praising the students from inner heart is the behaviors that love the students, but teachers should understand students’ age characteristic and psychological traits, and shouldn’t treat the students with adult vision. As long as helpful for students correct disadvantage, cover the shortage, teachers should be glad to praising.
  ⑷Praising should be pertinence
  Praising should accordingly and specifically, that is shouldn’t praising blindly and at will. For example, if students made progress at study, teacher should praise him at study. If it is correct the habit of late for class in discipline, or talk in classing, teacher should praise him in discipline. Thus it plays a function of strengthen excellent. Otherwise, no praising when praising is needed, praising when praising is not needed, students usually puzzled and it will dilute the effect for change.
  ⑸Praising should be continue
  It is not an easy thing to any achievement. So the progress of the child is a process of continue and developing, and the qualitative change will happen only if the accumulate of the quality change. Therefore we found the merit and good quality of the students and praising or encouraging them constantly to make them have a feeling of success and happy, then their self confident will be strengthened step by step, and they will try to challenge themselves to the higher objective.
  2. The matters need attention in applying criticizing
  ⑴Encourage--criticizing masterly
  The salient traits of middle school students are strong self-respect, save face. Therefore, it is necessary to criticize from front but from other sides. Encourage and warning tactfully, that are criticizing with encourage, encourage with trust and expect, maintain their self-confident and courage, made him realize his mistake without lose self-respect, and then play the prospective effect.
  ⑵Discuss--criticizing enthusiastically
  As for the students lack of cognitive and judgment ability, teachers should avoid rebuking and criticizing from a height, which is the students’ antipathy. Teachers should help and guide them with pure-heartedness and placid attitude, and points out the defects appropriately, discuss the kickback which the bad behavior brought and the correct method with him calmly. Thus make him feel that teacher’s criticize is a kind of cherish, and then accept it and correct the mistake.
  ⑶Silence--criticizing silently
  Generally speaking, criticizing need resort to voice, intonation, and movement. However, in certain occasion, educationist’s conscious silence is a kind of effective criticizing. Implement the silent criticizing need a tension or serious atmosphere, which made the students feel the teacher’s dissatisfy and blame and produce psychological pressure, thus realize own disadvantage and mistake. Then reach the effect of “stillness speaks”.
  ⑷Blame--criticizing severely
  In the middle school students, there also someone perform extremely badly, or the mistake they made is serious and cause bad effect. For those students, teachers can’t take the easy or euphemistic method, but criticizing severely in public. The criticize attitude should indignant with strengthen, the expression should be serious and conscientious, and language should be intense and edge. Making the student make mistake and other people realize the Ponder and harmful of the mistake, understand and feel teachers’ heart.
  ⑸Humorous criticizing
  Humorous criticizing is properly making use of the philosophy story, equivoque, and visual analogy in the process of criticizing. It helps to remit the nervous mood and inspire the criticize student thinking and promote the feeling communication of mutual to make a easy atmosphere in the process of criticizing. Humorous criticizing take advantage of inspiring and mobilizing the student criticized thinking actively.
  VII. Conclusion
  All in all, as an education method, praising and criticizing are full of artistic quality. In teaching process, teachers should use praising and criticizing in a appropriate way. It must be quick-witted, flexible and to the point, thus it can reach the proper effect. Making it differs from man to man, shoot the arrow at the target, and suit the remedy to the case, making your praising and criticizing get the optimal effect.
  [1]Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition; Singleton (1989)
  [2]Language Teaching and Learning from Theory to Practice; Wedell.M(1995)
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