Fundamental factor analysis and technical analysis are two different methods of analysis that analyze and predict future price movements of the market.The difference between these two analytical methods is generally that the basic analysis is based on the intrinsic value of the traded varieties and the related almost all Economic factors on the impact of supply and demand of traded goods to analyze the future price movements of traded goods; technical analysis is based entirely on the chart formed by the price changes record, through the analysis of the chart itself to determine the future price trend. Correct understanding and mastery These two different analysis methods, can better improve the effectiveness of the analysis.Risk investment, here refers to the investment from the market price volatility to obtain profits .A, the so-called basic factor analysis The basic factor analysis is also called basic analysis, it’s Essentials, first of all is to accurately understand the intrinsic value of the variety traded .That is, we must first clear the value of the transaction itself should be a value.And then look at the actual market price is higher than it or below it.Generally Say, the price below the intrinsic value, the timing for the purchase, the price above the intrinsic value, the timing for the sale. Has intrinsic value, but the determination of its intrinsic value is a bit more complicated, and the prices of such trades also fluctuate around the intrinsic value.For a short example, the ratio of the purchasing power of one currency to the purchasing power of another, Is the ratio of their intrinsic value.When the foreign price of a country’s currency, that is, the exchange rate is higher than its purchasing power, the importer of that country will convert its domestic currency into a currency of a country whose exchange rate is lower than the purchasing power, so that the same amount of money Can get more than the purchase of goods in the country.Low exchange rate countries will also reduce the high exchange rate business?