举全市之力 促民族发展

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素有“泉城”美誉的济南市,是一个散杂居少数民族较多的省会城市, 有回、满、蒙古、哈尼、朝鲜、苗等48 个少数民族,45个民族村居,11万多人,占全市总人口的1.84%,是山东省民族工作的重点城市之一。凝心聚力、求真务实几年来,我们从实际出发,制定和实施了一系列帮助加快少数民族经济社会发展的政策措施。市政府下发了《关于扶持发展少数民族经济有关问题的通知》;市委组织部、统战部、市民 Jinan City, known as “Spring City”, is a provincial capital town with many ethnic minorities dispersed. There are 48 minority nationalities including Hui, Manchu, Mongolia, Hani, North Korea and Miao, 45 ethnic village houses, and more than 110,000 , Accounting for 1.84% of the total population of the city, Shandong Province is one of the key cities of ethnic work. In recent years, from a practical point of view, we have formulated and implemented a series of policies and measures to help speed up the economic and social development of ethnic minorities. The municipal government issued a “Circular on Supporting and Developing the Economic Issues of Ethnic Minorities”; the Municipal Organization Department, the United Front Department and the public
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