加快科技进步和创新 努力为经济发展和结构调整提供强大动力——王厚宏同志在全省科技工作会议上的讲话

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去年底,省委召开了三届六次全会,贯彻党的十五届五中全会精神,对我省国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划进行了部署,提出了制定我省经济和社会发展“十五”计划的建议。刚刚结束的省人大二届三次会议,经过认真审议,批准了省政府制定的《海南省国民经济和社会发展“十五”计划纲要》,明确提出“十五”期间我省经济社会发展的指导方针,即:把加快发展作为主题,把结构调整作为主线,把改革开放和科技进步作为动力,把提高人民生活水平作为根本出发点。这一指导方针要求科技进步和创新要为经济发展和经济结构调整提供强有力的驱动力。今天,我们在这里召开全省科技工作会议,主要任务就是研究如何贯彻省委三届六次全会和省人大二届四次会议精神,做好我省“十五”期间的科技工作。下面,我讲三点意见。一、当前科技工作的形势1999年,党中央、国务院准确把握了时代特征,纵 At the end of last year, the provincial party committee held the 6th plenary session of the 3rd plenary session, implemented the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, and deployed the 10th five-year plan for our national economy and social development. Development “fifteen ” plan proposal. The Third Session of the Second Provincial People's Congress, which was just concluded, after careful consideration, approved the “Outline of the Tenth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Hainan Province” promulgated by the provincial government and clearly proposed that the economy of our province during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” The guiding principle for social development is to speed up development as the theme, take structural adjustment as the main line, take reform and opening up as well as scientific and technological progress as the driving force, and make people's living standards the basic starting point. This guideline requires that technological progress and innovation provide a strong impetus to economic development and economic restructuring. Today, we hold a conference on scientific and technological work in the province here. The main task is to study how to carry out the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 6th Provincial CPC Committee and the 4th Provincial People's Congress and accomplish the scientific and technological work during the “Tenth Five-year Plan” in our province. Now, I will talk about three points. I. Current Situation of Scientific and Technological Work In 1999, the Central Party Committee and the State Council accurately grasped the characteristics of the times.
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