The Yan Script is Coming Right Away

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  Ma Yong'an, whose styled name is Huai Yi and assumed name is Yan Zu, is the Chairman of Chinese Calligrapher Association, researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of Chinese Artists Association.
  Calligraphy means the laws and standards of writing Chinese characters. Generally speaking, the written forms of Chinese can be mainly divided into five categories i.e., official script, seal script, cursive script, semi-cursive script, and regular script, which are also known as the "Five Styles of Calligraphy". "The Sixth Chirography Style" created by Ma Yong'an undoubtedly brings some new blood into the entire field of calligraphy.
  "The Sixth Chirography Style" breaks the precise and standardized system of traditional Chinese calligraphy art in structure composition, strokes' turning and strength. It brings not only something new to calligraphy art, but also a new kind of artistic aesthetic taste. It is discernible that the calligraphy written by Ma Yong'an is the integration of traditional official script, seal script, cursive script, semi-cursive script, and regular script, with specific features of Yan script in the aspects of strokes and structure composition. Overall, Yan script shares both common features and distinguished features with other chirographies. Yan script is the outcome of years of research done by Ma Yongan, and it has attracted lots of attention from other experts in this field since early time. In July, 2009, the creation pattern of Ma Yong'an was officially named as "Ma Calligraphy" by China New World Calligraphy Research Center, and was included in the Modern Chirography Manual. On February 13, 2010, after verified by many experts, the calligraphy of Ma Yongan was granted the certificate of registration by the National Copyright Bureau of China and named as "Yan Script". This is the sixth chirography after the traditional official script, seal script, cursive script, semi-cursive script, and regular script. Thus, it is also known as "Yan Style".
  For his contribution in the field of calligraphy art, in 2011, Ma Yong'an, together with five academicians and scientists of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, was selected as the cover person of the China Innovation; in 2012, Shandong Province and Henan Province held the "Calligraphy Exhibition of the Founder of the Sixth Chirography of China – Ma Yong'an; in 2013, Ma Yong'an held the "The Sixth Chirography of China – Ma Yong'an's Yan Calligraphy Exhibition" respectively in the University of Columbia and the Dali Gallery in Spain; in June, 2013, invited by many presses, Ma Yong'an published The Sixth Chirography of China – Calligraphy Copybook of Yan Script.
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