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  【关键词】专科院校综合英语教学 改革探究 学生为中心的教学法 语言自主学习能力 影响学习的决定性因素
  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)36-0029-03
  【Abstract】To solve the problems of college intensive reading teaching— poor efficiency and boring process, a reform mode based on students-centered teaching method is developed. The reform aims to stir students’ learning interest, cultivate students’ self-reliant language learning ability, and improve teaching efficiency. With considering college students’ practical situation, the reform is made into a gradual two-staged process. Based on knowledge teaching, the initial stage focuses on cultivation of self-reliant learning ability by positively influencing the learning determinants, and the mature stage on strengthening of skills. The strong language self-reliant learning ability can also play an essential role in other subjects learning and will benefit students for a life time.
  【Key words】College intensive reading teaching; Reform groping; Students-centered teaching method; Self-reliant language learning ability; Learning determinants
  Intensive reading is a basic course of English major. It is aimed at developing students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills. Nowadays, most of teachers carry out their teaching in the traditional CTM (Communicative Teaching Method). College students have weak knowledge base and learning ability. They are tend to fail to follow their teachers. Or they may pass the exam by memorizing, but they may not understand and not grasp the knowledge in fact. They have little chance to practice and think. Gradually, they will lose the confidence for this course’s learning and feel bored with the course. Teachers have to “drag” the students in class. Finally, both teachers and students feel exhausted. And the effect of teaching is poor. In this thesis, combining with my long-time teaching experience, study in college intensive reading will be carried out, and a method will be groped to improve the present situation of college intensive reading teaching. The method is “students-centered” teaching.
  I Analysis of present situation of college intensive reading teaching
  1. The situation and the problems
  Intensive reading is a highly comprehensive course. It involves varieties of knowledge points in large amount. Teachers usually have to explain a large amount of language points through analyzing articles and vocabulary explaining or they directly give them in grammatical parts appeared at the back of every units. Also there are structure analysis, rhetorical devices explaining and cultural background introducing. For a 90 minutes’ class, these teaching content is too much for teachers to finish. The five skills―reading, writing, translating, listening and speaking skills can be narrowly covered during the teaching process in class. So the time in class is extremely limited to the required targets. After-class work can be a complement, but its effect is determined by how students are motivated, and its quantity is limited. To guarantee students’ satisfactory results and finish the teaching targets, teachers just “give” the knowledge (mainly language points) and the students just “receive” it. They both feel so bored and tired.   Compared with under graduates, college students have a weak foundation. They haven’t developed strong learning ability. They haven’t built great confidence in learning. As English majors, they seriously lack necessary basic knowledge information, and frequently, the rapidly given language points in class can’t be understood. They are just busy with taking notes which are not digested. The language points that are not grasped will appear in every unit, every class and every day. They can not master a text clearly forever. As they are exposed to more and more new knowledge information (they understand or not understand), they lose more and more confidence. It is hard to cultivate interest in English learning. Therefore, after class, they wouldn’t like to learn the subject. For adult learners, this problem is fatal. The fat text book is never design for students to read in class. To gain something, students must study it after class by themselves.
  2. Solution to the problem
  Anticipates of the teaching process are teachers and students, but the center should be students. They are beneficiaries and active ones. At present, the teaching is a carriage. Teacher is the horse, and the students are the trailer. If students can be more active or motivated, the trailer will gain its motor. The carriage will move forward more quickly and easily. So a successful teaching needs students to be active in learning. Teaching should be students-centered. Teaching process should mainly be occupied by students’ thinking, understanding and grasping, while teachers act as a guide. So students-centered teaching method can tackle the embarrassing situation that too much content needed to be taught and greatly improve the teaching effect.
  Teaching is an activity carried out both in class and after class. For in-class part, self-reliant learning means students’ active thinking, understanding, grasping and creating. As teachers are giving new knowledge information, students start thinking and analyzing it. Then when teachers finished explaining, students have learned it by themselves, or they may be faster. They have analyzed the content and found the language points in advance (after class or even in class). Thorough understanding makes memorizing easy and efficient. Besides, students thinking and teachers thinking usually crash, and sometimes the crash bring about the appearance of shining sparks of extra thoughts, which is creative. So in this situation, the in-class teaching will be quicker and more efficient. For after-class teaching, self-reliant learning’s function is obviously inestimable. For college students, they have gigantic amount of spare time. If they can use it in study, they can gain a lot. Under teachers’ proper direction, they can prepare for the in-class teaching very well by learning the language points beforehand, strengthen the mastering of knowledge by extra reading, and even learn the text book by themselves. This will contribute a lot to the in-class learning. Some new knowledge information that will thought in class may have been learned and mastered by students, and teachers just need mention it and wait for students’ correct answer. This breaks through the traditional way of in-class teaching and learning and improve the teaching efficiency greatly. A part of in-class time is saved, and teachers can assign the time to more important teaching content, for example, the training of the five skills, introduction of methods and guiding of students’ thoughts. Students will accumulate confidence in study and will learn this subject more actively. The whole process will be energetic. Both teachers and students can get unexpected harvest.   3. A necessary condition― self-reliant learning ability
  The students-centered teaching mode’s successful work needs students’ strong ability of self-reliant learning, which includes self-conscious recognition and the ability of control of learning process. But this is college students’ weak point. The weak point is college education’s greatest obstacle. College intensive reading teaching is no exception. So cultivation of the ability is necessary. Intensive reading, as a basic course of language learning, is easy to learn for students independently, and its contents can draw interest easily. And the development of self-reliant ability during teaching process is of reality.
  II Reform steps
  To improve the college intensive reading teaching, a reform can be carried out and the process needed to be divided into two parts: the initial stage of students-centered teaching mode focusing on students’ self-reliant learning ability cultivation and the mature stage of students-centered teaching mode focusing on more comprehensive knowledge and learning methods’ teaching, skills’ training and self-reliant learning ability’s perfection.
  1. The initial stage
  Teachers, as an external factor to affect students’ learning, can affect students notably because of their roles. During the beginning stage, the present teaching mode will be changed into students-centered teaching mode (students’ self-reliant learning centered teaching mode). They will mainly lead students to know the way to learn the basic language knowledge. The skills’ training may occupy a little proportion of the whole teaching time. Because college students’ basis is weak. Before they can correctly use English, they need to master the basic knowledge points fully. As English majors, they should learn its essential theories systematically. this stage’s teaching design will be carried out in a way that influence the factors that affect students’ learning positively.
  (1) Learning motives
  Learning motives consists of confidence, interest, responsibility and targets.
  To build up the students’ centered mode, a teacher should play a role as an instructor, helper and promoter. In class, teachers have to focus on language points. They will analyze the related sentence at a learner’s angle, present the thinking process precisely and make the students know the internal theory of formation of the language points. But the presentation is not a process of introduction but guiding and finding. Teachers should ask questions one after another then together they come to the conclusion. About new words, teachers should lead students to remember the context which is the language situation. About the theories, teachers should lead students to understand and then remember them, sometimes in a way of comparing with corresponding Chinese parts. At the beginning, the process should be a slow one. It allows students to experience the successful learning process in person. The reasoning process is one from from known knowledge to unknown knowledge, which makes them full of confidence, and gives them a deep impression and remember them easily, for example, in unit one , book one of Contemporary College English (Intensive Reading) “ Half a Day” there is a sentence, as following:   I did not believe there was really any good to be had in tearing me away from my home and throwing me into the huge, high-walled building.
  The word “believe” is familiar to students, so students can be lead to judge that the “there was…” sentence is the object of the verb “believe”. The word “good” is modified by the word “any”, so students can conclude that “good” is a noun here, and they can be aware of the meaning of the “good” is benefit. Then the “to be had …” part can be a postponed modifier, and students can get a sentence structure that is “have some good in doing sth.”. This process will help them review many basic grammatical rules and some words’ meaning and usage.
  Motivated by the sense of achievement and the learning interest, students would like to follow teachers and analyze the sentences and passages again and again. They are eager to learn more ways to analyze and new words, new grammatical structures which make them stronger and stronger when faced with varieties of articles and situations where English is needed. They would like think and analyze independently, no matter it is in class or after class. Gradually, they will come to love the English learning. Then the further they know the language, the more charm of it they will realize. Finally, they will have a lasting and advanced interest in the language. The love for the language itself may need relatively long time, but it is eternal and influential profoundly. It may be fulfilled in the latter part of the first year. The interest in learning and the confidence can be aroused easily, but they also can be broken sometimes. After all, learning is a boring thing in some way. Confidence may be dented by a fail or difficult problems. More steady motive factors are needed to keep students in learning. They can be the complementary force as the learning interest and confidence are absent.
  The aroused confidence, learning interest, responsibility and sense of targets will greatly push forward progress of their learning and development of their self-reliant learning ability conversely.
  (2) Learning style
  Learning styles, as another internal factor, play an equally important role in self-reliant learning. Generally speaking, learning style is the learning way and the information-processing way showed by students during learning, which is a whole, and which is steady and individualized. Learning style is mainly divided into two categories: category one is based on perception pattern, and category two is based on cognition pattern. To help students form good learning habit and develop self-reliant learning ability, our teaching design will be made to match the different students’ learning style and correct the harmful learning style.   (3) External factors
  Main external factors include teachers and other people who can be examples to copy.
  As an instructor, helper and promoter, a teacher can lead students to learn in a proper and efficient way, and at the same time, his way to speak and behave has unnoticeable influence on students. So as an external factor to influence students’learning, a teacher can be a modal to be followed by students, and he needs to show students a positive image which has active learning attitude and optimistic life values. Teachers should show their interest and passion in English as possible as they can in order to touch students (arouse their same feelings). Besides, teachers can introduce or recommend other successful English learners, especially intensive reading, and let them refer to their English learning methods and borrow their ideas about learning and life.
  2. The mature stage
  This stage will last two years. At this moment, students have had essential self-reliant English learning ability. They should preview the text very well with the support of dictionary. In class, students only need to check their answers got before class, or if not, they can finish the analyzing and reasoning rapidly. So the in-class process will be very fast, and a part of time will be left after finishing the teaching plan. So it’s the high time to strengthen the skills except reading, translating which are practiced frequently during the article analysis.
  For English majors, strengthening the skills training after having had a solid knowledge and theory base is more reasonable and efficient. So every month, a special class period can be used to practice a certain skill by students. During the practicing process, teachers lead students to search for and conclude skills to strengthen the listening, speaking or writing skill, which can make students fully experience the form and use of skill in language skill practice, understand it penetratingly, then master the laws and conclude the skills by themselves.
  At the second stage which lasts two years, the college intensive reading teaching completely enters the stage of students-centered (learning- centered) mode. Students can not only finish the knowledge points learning efficiently but also strengthen the language skills, and finally develop strong self-reliant language learning ability. In this way, the college intensive reading teaching will realize its true significance and value.   Conclusion
  The reform based on students-centered (learning-centered) teaching method is a proper option to solve the problems of college intensive reading teaching— poor efficiency and boring process. It not only boost students’learning efficiency , but also help students develop gradually and effectively self-reliant language learning ability. The strong English self-reliant learning ability can not only be applied to other languages learning, but also play an essential role in other subjects learning, as the self-consciousness of learning ,and theories’and skills’basic independent learning method— analyzing, thinking, understanding and practicing is of the same significance among all the subjects’and fields’learning. So the self-reliant learning ability will benefit students for a life time.
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【摘要】好的包装设计除了能帮助产品更好的进行销售,还能在一定程度上保护环境。随着社会经济和科技的发展,现代包装设计的发展一直处于不断创新阶段。创新也成为包装设计专业学生需要重点掌握的主要知识点之一,而如何提高学生的包装设计能力,使其更加具有创新性,符合时代发展的需要,首先就需要在教学中提高学生的动手能力。  【关键词】包装设计 创新 教学 动手能力  【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文
【摘要】基于问题的学习(problem-based learning,PBL)是一种以设置问题为基础,以学生为中心的新型教学模式。为提高人体及动物生理学实验课程的教学质量,根据该课程的教学特点,对我校生科院两级共170名学生实施了PBL的教学模式。通过对实施过PBL教学的同学进行追踪问卷调查发现,学生的主动学习、独立查阅资料及实验设计等方面能力有显著提升。该教学法值得在人体动物生理学实验及类似课程
【摘要】随着教育的快速发展和理念的不断转变,高校的很多课程教育,都需要通过一些有效的模式来完成,要积极的告别过往的问题。高校政治理论课是非常重要的课程,教师在开展教学的过程中,必须将自身的说服力充分提升,否则难以确保师生共同进步。文章就此展开讨论,并提出合理化建议。  【关键词】高校 政治理论课 说服力 提升  【中图分类号】G645 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)3