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香菇脱袋后进入菌筒转色期,也就是菌筒“人造树皮”形成的阶段。现将其形成规律及管理措施介绍如下:一、转色规律脱袋排场后的菌筒,由于全面接触空气、光照以及受露地湿度、适宜温度、菌筒内营养成分变化等因素的影响,便从营养生长转入生殖生长。菌筒表层逐渐长出一层浓白色绒毛状的菌丝,接着倒状形成一层薄薄的菌膜,同时开始分泌色素,吐出黄色水珠。菌筒开头由白色略转为粉红色,通过人为管理,逐步变成棕褐色,最后形成一层似树皮状的菌被,这就是所说的转色,也就是“人造树皮”的形成。 Lentinus mushrooms into the barrel after the transfer of color, that is, bacteria tube “artificial bark ” formation stage. Now the formation of the law and management measures are described as follows: First, the rule of color bag after discharge pits market, due to full exposure to air, light and by the exposed humidity, the appropriate temperature, fungus tube changes in nutrients and other factors, will From vegetative growth to reproductive growth. Gradually grow a layer of fungus cylinder thick white fluffy mycelium, and then down to form a thin layer of bacteria, and began to secrete pigment, spit yellow drops of water. At the beginning of the fungus tube, it turns from white to pink slightly and gradually becomes tan through human management. Finally, a layer of bark-like fungus is formed. This is what is called “artificial bark” Formation.
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