
来源 :宁波经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dota1231
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改革开放二十年来,宁波个体、私营经济由少到多、由小到大、由弱到强,历经风吹雨打,显示了强大的生命力,但尚存在着诸多不利于其发展的制约因素。我们必须全面深刻理解党的十五大关于“坚持以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展,是我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度”的精神实质,努力营造公平环境,推动全市个体、私营经济快速健康发展。一、宁波个体私营经济的基本特点和地位作用截至1998年6月底,全市个体工商户已达19.1万户,私营企业2.1万家,合计从业人员66万人,注册资金147.5亿元。同时呈现出明显的特点和趋势:企业规模不断扩大,经济实力逐步增强。1998年上半年全市私营企业和个体工商户的户均注册资金为68.8万元和 In the two decades since the reform and opening up, individual and private sectors of Ningbo have shown great vitality since they were as few as possible, from small to large, from weak to strong, and they have shown signs of strong vitality. However, there are still many constraints that are unfavorable to their development . We must fully and profoundly understand the spiritual essence of the 15th National Congress of the CPC regarding “insisting on taking public ownership as the mainstay and common development of various ownership sectors as the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism in our country”, and strive to create a fair environment and promote the city’s individual The private economy has developed rapidly and healthily. First, the basic characteristics and status of individual and private economy in Ningbo As of the end of June 1998, the city has 191,000 individual industrial and commercial households, private enterprises 21,000, with a total of 660,000 employees and a registered capital of 14.75 billion yuan. At the same time, it shows obvious characteristics and trends: the scale of enterprises is constantly expanding and the economic strength is gradually increasing. In the first half of 1998, the average registered capital of private-owned enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households in the city was 688,000 yuan
“我们的世界变化太快,几年前和有用的东西,可能现在就没那么好用了。”比尔霍兰德(Bill Holland)说道;霍兰德著有《打开新就业市场:在任何经济状况下都能找到工作的七大法则》。“任何职业建议都应该有保留地接受。”  一些传统建议众所周知——你可以成为任何自己想成为的人物,做自己爱做的事,让自己不可或缺——但是,这些也许无法让你走上职业顶端。从中我们得出什么教训?职业建议来得容易,因此需谨慎接
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