Premier Agricultural Brands China 2017 held in Serbia

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  To further promote the Sino-Serbia trade and economic relations, and to enable Chinese companies understand the market of Southeast Europe the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade of China host the Premium Agricultural Brands China during the 84thSerbia International Agriculture Exhibition in Novi Sad, Serbia from 15thto 18th May 2017. Organized by Genertec International Advertising& Exhibition Co., Ltd., the showcase aimed at tapping international marketing resources for Chinese exhibitors and expand the Chinese export in the agriculture sector.

  The Premium Agricultural Brands China 2017 consist of 40 Chinese companies from eight provinces like Shanghai, Hebei, Sichuan,Henan, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Yunnan and Shandong province with a total exhibition space of 1,000 square meters. The main exhibits ranged from a wide variety of categories ranging from well-liked agriculture machines such as food-processing machinery, versatile grinders, hydro seeders, and water pumps, to fertilizers like cyanuric acid. Exhibits also include agricultural products like Pu’er tea as well as hardware and garden tools, fully representing the overall image and unique features of the Chinese agriculture industry. Chinese exhibiting companies include well-know companies like China First Tractor Co., Ltd. And Hebei Chuangtian Machinery& Equipment Co., Ltd. and a number of first-timeventurers, providing the mega event for international visitors to see and understand Chinese agriculture products. The opening ceremony for the Premium Agricultural Brands China 2017 and the One-belt-One-Road Ecological Agriculture and Food Safety Forum was held..
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日前,科隆展览集团监事会与公司现任总裁兼首席执行官Gerald Bose達成一致意见,续签合同,Gerald B?se将继续担任集团总裁兼首席执行官,一直到2023年。Gerald Bose从2008年起就担任此职务。  科隆市市长、科隆展览监事会主席何珂女士评价说,“对Gerald Bose先生的继续任命是基于我们对他的高度信任。Gerald Bose先生成功地带领公司走出了财务危机,并使公司稳
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总部设在比利时布鲁塞尔的Artexis Easyfairs公司是全球排名前20的展览公司,集团员工超过700人,主营展会主办和场馆运营两大业务。公司英国与全球业务部董事总经理Matt Benyon表示,有机成长对Artexis Easyfairs的业务增长非常重要,推出新展和并购是实现公司业务增长非常重要的方式,尤其青睐那些有潜力成为行业领先项目的展会。  锐意创新,业务稳步增长  作为全球领先的
Together with Ungerboeck Software, the Dutch trade fair company RAI Amsterdam has set up an online service platform for its exhibitors.  The new one-stop shop improves customer support and optimises c
作为马来西亚第一个获得 ISO 14001 : 2004认证的会议中心以及从2006-2016年连续十年获得EarthCheck认证铜奖的场馆,吉隆坡会议中心在活动可持续发展方面有着详尽的行动规划,并以创新思维迎接不断变化的活动市场。  记者:吉隆坡会议中心在可持续发展方面取得了哪些成就?  Pryor:作为马来西亚的顶级会展设施和马来西亚商务活动领域担任重要角色的场馆,吉隆坡会议中心将可持续发展
最近,荷兰阿姆斯特丹RAI会展中心与Ungerboeck软件公司合作,为前来展馆的参展商建立了一个网上服务平台。  这个全新的一站式网上商店提高了对客户的服务效率并优化了沟通成效。为了给这个项目做准备,RAI会展中心对参展商进行了前期调查,以便了解如何完善“网上商店”的服务。该项调查把市场营销和技术方面都考虑到了,调查结果用于参展商平台的改进。这个在线门户网站包括重要的客户服务点以及“参展商的旅程