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  I cannot live. I cannot die. I am lonely, but I speak to everyone. Time has no meaning to me, nor would I wish it to. My world is a place of thought. Scientists try to explain me with their 1)sensors and 2)instruments, and with their 3)long-winded theories. Sometimes I find myself laughing at them, for it is so 4)absurd. Although they all ask the questions, “What is he? Who is he?”none of them really want the answer. Yes, yes, they have a different name for me, but I know when they are talking to me.
  I leave them to their experiments during the day, and visit them every night. I feed the fire, perhaps believing that someday one of them will discover just who I am or what I am, and I will no longer be alone.
  Sometimes I envy them. It is one of those 5)ironic things that are simply not 6)up to you. The very comfort that I provide for their little minds, I myself cannot enjoy. But, that is the way of things. Everything is 7)interlaced in a 8)fabric 9)spanning the universe. My threads 10)lace throughout this fabric, touching the minds of everyone within the fabric.
  Sometimes, during those periods when no one asks anything of me, I 11)ponder my own existence. It is a relatively meaningless act, but it seems to give me a feeling of being content and happy. My mind would 12)wander to thoughts of reality and what part in it I play. To the people that I touch, I am not a part of reality. But if that were so, where is my reality? Or do I even have one? Little of this really matters after all, but it seems to 13)calm my mind.
  Whether I become a reality, or I remain on the edges of the wandering thoughts of children napping, is not up to me. Let my art be true, and the rest will fall into place at the will of the dreamer. I am called by many names within the universal fabric, but to all I am 14)recognizable by my art. I am he who visits you while you sleep at night, and when you nap at school. I will 15)weave your thoughts like a master weaver, into the fabric of the universe, till the end of time. But, as I said before, what is time to me?

一个寒冷的夜里,一百多名大人和小孩聚集在(美国)弗吉尼亚州的一个山坡上,兴奋地交谈着。奇怪的是,没有人打开手电筒,周围也看不见街道或者房屋的灯光。  这些人特地从华盛顿特区坐了一个多小时车来到这片郊区,为的是避开城市的灯光,因为他们要参加“星空派对”。  星空派对是指专业的天文学者和业余的天文爱好者聚集在一起,架起自己的望远镜,邀请别人一起来观察夜空的聚会。远离城市的光污染或建筑物的人工照明,观星
当下时兴游学,到国外去晃个圈,参观学校,体验外国生活,是个打开眼界不错的选择。In case同学们有这个打算,小编为大家带来一些国外的日常用语。即使不走出国门,它们也能让你的口语增色不少呢!《出国必备常用语(上)》请看CE:Teens 2009年3月号“快乐学堂”栏目。
So we talked all night about the rest of our lives  Where we’re gonna be when we turn 25  I keep thinking times will never change  Keep on thinking things will always be the same  But when we leave th
从本期开始,“潮玩特区”正式取代原来的“时尚先锋”啦!我们将触角延伸到更多生活流行元素,从服饰到科技,从新书到美食,让大家开阔视野,当个潮流生活人!    The miniskirt has made a major comeback in 2006, and the fever just continues to prevail[盛行] this summer!  The mini madnes
I dreamed I was missing  You were so scared  But no one would listen  ‘ause no one else cared    After my dreaming  I woke with this fear  What am I leaving  When I’m done here    So if you’re asking
Just one last dance  Just one last dance    We meet in the night in the Spanish caf?I look in your eyes just don’t know what to say  It feels like I’m drowning in salty water  A few hours left till th
在大多数情况下,光能帮助我们看见物体。但是在观察夜空时,光反而是一种污染。  它阻碍我们观看一些生命中最令人叹为观止的景象——恒星、行星,乃至是星系。“孩提时,我很喜欢观看夜空,”国际夜空协会的罗伯特‘金特回忆道。这个协会致力于减少光污染。  “记得小时候,当我抬头观看夜空时,天空中繁星密布,我不禁发出这样的疑问:‘天上有多少颗星星?它们离我们有多远?我们能到那里去吗?’后来我成为了一名天文学家,
Daniel Radcliffe, the 17-year-old star of the “Potter”series, 1)aroused some 2)controversy among his fans when he took part in the 3)Tony-winning drama Equus last year. The role ?a troubled young man
这年头,小孩子出书已经不是什么新鲜事,但你能想象9岁的孩子写出“爱情指南”吗?美国科罗拉多州的小学生亚历克·格雷文不但写出7这样一本书,还一举成名。也许你会觉得9岁小孩的想法很幼稚,只是闹着玩,但有时候,人与人的沟通就是这么简单。对了,格雷文小朋友的创作灵感似乎一发不可收拾,接着将推出《How to TalktoMoms》、《How to Talk to Dads》和《How Talk to sa