发展风险投资事业 推动高新技术产业进步

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一、风险投资及其对发展高新技术产业的促进作用本世纪70年代以来,随着微电子技术为主导的信息、生物、新材料、新能源等新技术的蓬勃发展,在世界范围内形成了以信息产业、生物技术产业和新材料产业等为主的高科技产业群,并且对经济增长的贡献越来越大,在国民经济中的地位日益重要,正在逐步取代传统产业.成为经济增长的主要动力和支柱产业。以美国为例,近20年间,美国高新技术产业的产值已占 GDP 的15%,其中,信息产业的产值已超过食品、建筑和汽车制造业,成为美国最大的产业,在美国经济中地位日趋重要。生物技术产业年销售额和股票市值不断增加,到1997年已分别超过100亿美元和150亿美元,生物技术在药品开发、农业和 I. Venture Capital and its Role in Promoting the Development of High-tech Industries Since the 1970s, with the vigorous development of new technologies such as information, biology, new materials and new energy led by microelectronics, the world has formed High-tech industrial clusters dominated by the information industry, biotechnology industry and new material industry, and their contributions to economic growth are becoming more and more important, their status in the national economy is increasingly important, and they are gradually replacing the traditional industries. The main driving force and pillar industries. Take the United States as an example. In the recent 20 years, the output value of high-tech industries in the United States has accounted for 15% of GDP. Among them, the output value of the information industry has surpassed the food, construction and automobile manufacturing industries and has become the largest industry in the United States. important. The annual sales and stock market value of the biotech industry have been on an increasing scale, exceeding 10 billion U.S. dollars and 15 billion U.S. dollars in 1997 respectively. In the area of ​​pharmaceuticals development, agriculture and
  研究背景 由于激光靶向性及能量的高可控性,目前激光介导基因转染作为一种新的靶基因治疗方法受到了越来越多的关注.由于激光具有光声效应,即当激光能量达到一定阈值时,
  目的 以与VEGF的主要受体KDR特异性结合的小肽K237为配体研制靶向脂质体超声造影剂并进行体外性能鉴定.方法采用"生物素-亲和素"桥接法构建靶向微泡(P-Bio-Av-Bio-Mbs),
(一)中小炮的类型及其应用范围按我们的习惯,把小眼炮称为小炮,洞穴炮(猫洞炮)及药壶炮称为中型炮。兹将其特征分述如下: 1.小眼炮:直径35~50毫米,深3米以下,底部装药,上部用