
来源 :中国误诊学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzjwl
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牙周病(periodontitis)是由牙菌斑内的细菌引起的,以破坏牙齿周围支持组织,导致牙齿松动、脱落为主要临床表现的高患病率疾病,是人类牙齿缺失的主要原因。牙周病的重要感染源是革兰阴性厌氧菌,其临床表现不仅单纯表现为局部感染,还可能激发一系列的免疫性和炎性改变牙周病的发生、发展受宿主的敏感状态左右,因宿主个体差异而有所不同。 Periodontitis is caused by bacteria in dental plaque to destroy the tissue surrounding the teeth, causing the teeth to loosen and fall off as the high prevalence of the main clinical manifestations, which is the main reason for the loss of human teeth. An important source of infection of periodontal disease is Gram-negative anaerobes, its clinical manifestations not only purely localized infection, but also may stimulate a series of immune and inflammatory changes in the occurrence of periodontal disease, development by the host’s sensitive state , Vary depending on the host individual.
巍然耸立于尼罗河畔沙漠之中的古埃及国王(法老)的陵墓,从四面看,就像是汉字“金”的化身,故称金字塔。中国也有被人称为“东方金字塔”的古代陵墓。它们是: 少吴陵:少吴是
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鲫鱼是淡水垂钓中的主要鱼种,如何设法在经常有人垂钓的水域中多钓到鲫鱼,特别是被钓鱼者们认为那些钓猾了的鲫鱼,这一问题是钓鱼者经常探讨的话题。 我认为,对付这种狡猾的
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