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于吉2011年的展览“我独自站立”中呈现了一系列取样自改革开放以来城市公共空间形态的雕塑。立方体石膏模块——一方面作用为搭建常用的方砖,一方面模拟出老旧马赛克的效果——被用来堆砌出简单开放的空间造型,一件件分坐于旧木块组合成的形似旧家具的底座上,弥散着一种粗糙、贫穷的集体记忆与简朴、脆弱的美感。这件名为《公共空间》的作品看似于吉创作中的一个异类:它指向一个具体历史时段中具有阐释意义的一类挟带私密功能的公共空间,在不需言明其意图的前提下,已然朝向着一类与集体主义或公共 Yu Ji’s 2011 exhibition “Stand Alone” presents a series of sculptures that take samples of urban public space since the reform and opening up. Cubic gypsum module - on the one hand the role of building common brick, on the one hand to simulate the effect of the old mosaic - was used to piling up a simple open space modeling, one piece seated in the shape of a combination of old wood The old furniture on the base, dispersed with a rough, poor collective memory and simple, fragile beauty. This piece of work, entitled “Public Space,” appears to be a heterogeneous category of Kyrgyz writing: it points to an interpreted public sphere of private function in a specific historical period, and without pretending its intentions, Toward a class with collectivism or public
门静脉性胆道病(portal ductopathy,PD)是指由于肝外门静脉阻塞(extrahepatic portal vein obstrction,EHPVO)导致胆囊和胆管出现解剖学、形态学异常和功能障碍的一种疾病[1-2].它可累及整个胆道系统,包括肝内外胆管、胆囊管和胆囊[2].EHPVO是导致门静脉高压的常见病因之一,长期EHPVO可导致门静脉侧支循环出现,并形成门静脉海绵样变性.研
目的研究高压氧(hyperbaric oxygen,HBO)联合经颅磁刺激(repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation,rTMS)对颅脑损伤致昏迷患者的临床疗效。方法回顾性选取120例颅脑损伤致昏迷患者,未接受HBO或rTMS治疗患者为对照组,其中格拉斯哥昏迷量表(Glasgow coma scale, GCS)评分6~8分为CA组,GCS评分3~5分
Hand-extended noodle, a special kind of noodle, requires particular quality flour to make it. High molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) in wheat are impo
AFLP analyses were carried out on Thatcher, 23 near-isogenic lines and F2 generation of TcLrl9 × Thatcher, to develop molecular markers for gene Lr19 resistanc