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丰姿多彩的文艺节目,为团结祥和的春节增添欢乐吉庆的气氛。 在五彩缤纷、日不暇接的舞台、银屏幕上,人们最关心的首推中央电视台的春节联欢晚会。这个近十年来成为男女老少、合家欢聚守岁的晚会,今年从节目内容到编排上较之过去确有所改进、有所创新。 据悉,中央电视台为制作这台晚会,聘请了四、五百名著名演员,从去年八月份介始筹备、夜以继日地设计创作。小品、相声、歌舞、音乐,各个艺术门类的节目加起来共四、五十个。 Rich and colorful literary programs for the unity and harmony of the Spring Festival to add joyful atmosphere. In the colorful, endless stage, silver screen, people are most concerned about the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. This evening of nearly a decade becoming a man, woman, girl and child, celebrating with all their family members this year has made some improvements and made some innovations in the contents of the program from the past to the past. It is reported that CCTV produced the party for the show, hired four or five hundred famous actors from August last year, preparations for the start, day and night design and creation. Pieces, crosstalk, song and dance, music, various art programs add up to a total of four or fifty.
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