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例1(2001年安徽省中考题),将试管口朝下放在酒精灯火焰上方加热3~5s后,立刻竖直插入盛水的容器中某深度处不动。 (1)你猜想可能产生的现象是______。 (2)你猜想的依据是_______。赏析此例的巧妙之处在于先让考生猜想将要发生的物理现象,再用物理原理去进行分析证明。体现了中考能力考查的要求。从现象推出结论,从结论探究现象,是探究性试题的一大特点,这也是理论与实际相结合,这正是物理学发展的巨大源泉。 Example 1 (2001 Anhui Provincial Examination Questions), put the test tube mouth downward on the flame of the alcohol lamp to heat for 3 ~ 5s, and immediately insert the water into the container at a certain depth. (1) The phenomenon that you suspect may be ______. (2) The basis for your guess is _______. The ingenious aspect of appreciating this example is to allow candidates to guess the physical phenomena that will occur, and then use physical principles to analyze and prove. It reflects the requirements for examination of the ability of the examination. The introduction of conclusions from the phenomenon and the exploration of the results from the conclusions are a major feature of inquiry questions. This is also a combination of theory and practice. This is a great source of physics development.
男生女生之间,向来都弥漫着对立的色彩,无论什么事情,经常是你方唱罢我登扬,虽然有时候关系也比较融洽和谐,但是你知道码,你们之间性别魅力的较量正进行着呢! Between boys
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刺参(Stichopus japonicus Selenka)资源增殖的试验研究工作,在我国北部沿海已经广泛开展。70年代初期,增殖资源的方法为室内催产、培育成初期耳状幼体或大耳状幼体时即放入
问题1:一只公牛加一只母牛。(猜三个字) Question 1: One bull and one cow. (guess three words)