Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of 105 Cases with a Tumor of the Chest Wall

来源 :Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzhp
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OBJECTIVE To summarize the experience in diagnosis and surgical treatment of 105 cases with a tumor of the chest wall,and to investigate re-construction of a large chest-wall defect after resection of a chest wall tumor.METHODS Clinical data from 105 patients with a tumor of the chest wall were retrospectively analyzed.There were 78 males and 27 females with ages ranging from 6 to 70 years.Of the 105 cases,94 had a primary tumor,among which 75 were benign,19 malignant and the other 11 metastatic.After a resection of a chest-wall tumor in 19 patients,reconstruction of the large chest-wall defect was conducted.RESULTS All surgical operations were smoothly performed,without an intraoperative death.The results of postoperative follow-up were as follows:48 patients with a benign tumor were still living and well,16 patients with a benign tumor died of other diseases,13 with a malignant tumor survived for a period from 21 months to 8 years,and the others with a malignancy died of local recurrence or distant metastasis.All of the 11 patients with a metastatic tumor died of carcinomatous deseases during a period from 10 to 76 months.CONCLUSION With regard to a primary costal tumor without a patho-logical diagnosis,a restricted radical excision should be conducted first.Use of suitable repairing materials is very important for reconstruction of a mas-sive chest-wall defect. OBJECTIVE To summarize the experience in diagnosis and surgical treatment of 105 cases with a tumor of the chest wall, and to investigate re-construction of a large chest-wall defect after resection of a chest wall tumor. METHODS Clinical data from 105 patients with a tumor of the chest wall were retrospectively analyzed. There were 78 males and 27 females with ages ranging from 6 to 70 years. Of the 105 cases, 94 had a primary tumor, among which 75 were benign, 19 malignant and the other 11 metastatic. After a resection of a chest-wall tumor in 19 patients, reconstruction of the large chest-wall defect was performed .RESULTS All surgical operations were performed performed, without an intraoperative death. The results of postoperative follow-up were as follows: 48 patients with a benign tumor was still living and well, 16 patients with a benign tumor died of other diseases, 13 with a malignant tumor survived for a period from 21 months to 8 years, and the others with a malignancy died of local recurr an ence or distant metastasis. All of the 11 patients with a metastatic tumor died of carcinomatous deseases during a period from 10 to 76 months. CONCLUSION With regard to a primary costal tumor without a patho-logical diagnosis, a restricted radical excision should be conducted first .Use of suitable repairing materials is very important for reconstruction of a mas-sive chest-wall defect.
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6月5日 晴  老杨是个儒雅派学者。  我从未见过他穿西服亦或运动装,似乎只有衬衫与他四季为伴。而我一直认为衬衫带着一种不做作不闲散的中庸立场,淡然而非张扬,沉稳而非浮夸。  就像他本人。  他走路从来都是不急不缓,讲课时没有许多夸张的动作或是表情,似乎万事于他如浮云,好像就算你骂他,他也只会轻蔑地瞪你一眼然后留下一个潇洒的背影。相比物理老师的雷厉风行,我不由得感叹造物主的神奇。  但这也是老杨让