
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengqiuyu1990
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四川凉山州是全国最多的彝族群众聚居区。全国军地创建“双拥模范城(县)”的活动开展以来,凉山军分区党委始终把协调军地创建“双拥模范城(县)”的工作放在重要位置,当好双拥共建的宣传员、办好实事的工作员、协调军地的联络员、传递信息的通信员、抓好落实的监督员。军分区领导和机关以及人武部,协调驻军部队和地方政府,通过多次召开联席会、协调会,建立和健全了各级双拥共作机构,制定、完善了双拥共建制度,并制定了双拥共建的中长期规划和目标。 该军分区在协调军地开展双拥共建活动中,特别注重唱好相互办实事的重头戏。近两年来,驻军部队先后出动23000多名官兵,县、市人武部组织6万多名民兵,参加了西昌防护林带、航 Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan Province is the largest concentration of Yi people. Since the establishment of the “double-support model city (county)” by the military forces throughout the country, the party committee of the Liangshan Military Division has always placed the task of coordinating military establishment of “double-support model cities (counties)” in an important position. Of propagandists, well-performing workmen, coordinating with the liaison officers in the military field, communicating messages and communicating with members and supervising the implementation. The leaders and organs of the military sub-region, as well as the Armed Police Forces, coordinated the garrison troops and the local government. Through the convening of joint meetings and coordination meetings, the two agencies and mutual aid agencies at all levels were established and perfected. Long-term planning and objectives of double support. The military subdistrict in the coordination of the military to carry out double-support co-construction activities, with particular emphasis on singing the good things each other to do the highlight. In the past two years, the garrison troops dispatched more than 23,000 officers and soldiers, the county and municipal people’s armed forces departments to organize more than 60,000 militias and participated in the Xerichang Shelterbelt and Air Navigation
机种生产(架) 国内销售(架) 出口(架)35mm 焦平面快门照相机 4763238 594968 425079535mm 镜头快门照相机 16692798 3668018 13041253(包括半幅型)使用126型、110型、盘形胶
由中国计量科学研究院和中国分析测试协会联合举办的“第一届国际计量测试仪器学术报告会及展览会(简称 ISEMI)”已于一九八八年十一月十七日至二十三日在北京展览馆举行。
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