爱岗敬业比贡献 岗位成才结硕果——“岗位能手”活动有效地促进了设备管理工作

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由仪化公司党政领导倡导的“岗位能手”活动,自1986年开展以来,已使一大批生产骨干和科技人才脱颖而出.目前仪化有11121人(次)荣获岗位成才奖.仪化的“岗位能手”活动多次受到党和国家领导人的赞扬.公司还被团中央列为“岗位能手”试点单位.这一活动有效地促进了设备管理工作,增强了企业的凝聚力,稳定了职工队伍,职工主人翁的作用得到了有效发挥.仪化投产初期,社会上的“文凭热”曾给公司造成不小的冲击,不少刚刚走上工作岗位的青工把主要精力用在学习与本岗位无关或关系不大的专业知识上,以图“镀金”后“跳槽”.片面追求文凭的倾向给公司的生产建设带来一定程度的负效应,影响了职工队伍的稳定,增大了设备管理工作的难度,许多设备或因操作者缺乏必需的技能,或因责任心不强而得不到精心维护,故障频仍. The “Job Experts” campaign advocated by the party and government leaders of Yihua Company has made a large number of production backbone and scientific and technological talents stand out since its launch in 1986. Currently, there are 11121 persons (times) who have won the job talent award. The “Police Expert” activity has been praised by party and state leaders for many times. The company has also been listed as a “Job Expert” pilot unit by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. This activity has effectively promoted the equipment management work, strengthened the cohesion of the company, and stabilized the workforce. The role of the owner of the staff has been effectively brought into play. At the beginning of the production of the instrument, the “diploma fever” in the society caused a great impact on the company. Many young workers who have just taken up the work place devoted their energy to learning and the post. The irrelevant or inconsequential know-how has led to a “job-hopping” after “plating gold”. The tendency to unilaterally pursue a diploma has brought about a certain degree of negative effects on the company’s production and construction, which has affected the stability of the workforce and increased the management of equipment. The difficulty of work, many equipment or because the operator lacks the necessary skills, or due to lack of responsibility and can not be meticulously maintained, frequent failures.
一、终端技术和产品发展历史 计算机终端是多用户主机的主要输入输出设备,是用户使用主机资源的操作界面,计算机终端成长史基本上是伴随着多用户操作系统的发展而发展,特别
美国国家半导体有限公司(National Semiconductor Corporation)成立于1959年,初期以制造三极管为主。1967年美国国家半导体公司进一步开发半导体技术,推出了30种线性集成电
一、VCD的市场优势从技术和经济角度来看,VCD应是今后5年内国内家电市场中的主流产品。 1.VCD片源丰富,价格低廉。凡是可用作录像节目的内容均可压制成VCD发行,故VCD的节目