
来源 :中国初级卫生保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baogehaohao
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农村改厕被福建省委、省政府列为1992年为民办15件实事的头项内容之一。福建省武夷山市委、市政府认真部署、精心组织,真抓实干,抓出实效。截止6月底,完成改厕651户(其中“三缸式510户,小三格141户。)占南平地区行署下达的500户改厕指标的130.2%,半年超额完成全年的改厕任务。武夷山市农村改厕工作主要有三条经验: 一、领导重视健全组织摆上议程掀起高潮武夷山市委、市政府和各乡镇党委、政府把改厕工作列入今年为民办实事的一项主要任务,摆上重要议事日程。成立了以市委副书记、副市长任正、副组长的农村改厕领导小组,成员由建委、农委、计委、土地、卫生、文明办、 Rural toilet reform was listed as one of the first items of 15 practical issues for the private sector in 1992 by Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. The Wuyishan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government of Fujian Province have carefully deployed and carefully organized, and have been doing practical work to achieve practical results. By the end of June, 651 toilets had been completed (including 510 three-cylinder units and 141 small three-storey units.) The company accounted for 130.2% of the 500 households that had been assigned to the toilets in Nanping District, and completed over the course of six months to complete the task of changing toilets throughout the year. The city’s rural toilet rehabilitation work mainly includes three experiences: First, leaders attach importance to sound organizations to put on the agenda. Set off the climax Wuyishan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the township party committees and governments have included the work on toilet reform as a major task for the private sector this year. On the important agenda, a leadership committee for rural toilets, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, deputy mayor Ren Zheng, and deputy leader, was established, with members from the Construction Committee, the Agriculture Commission, the Planning Commission, the Land, Health, and Civilization Offices.
文献报道,从骆驼蓬(Peganum harmala)种子中首次提取分离的骆驼蓬碱具有兴奋中枢神经系统作用。已知骆驼蓬的种子含有多种生物碱,其中骆驼蓬碱和去氢骆驼蓬碱还是较强的致幻
目的观察十全大补丸对环孢菌素A(CsA)所致大鼠肝毒性的作用。方法大鼠分为4组 :ⅠCsA组(50mg/kg) ,ⅡCsA +十全大补丸高剂量组(50mg/kg +0.6g/kg) ,ⅢCsA +大补丸低剂量组(50
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