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自从1959年 Butenandt 等人获得“家蚕醇(bombykol)”问世以来,信息素(Pher-omone)的研究引起国内外极大兴趣,进展迅速,由1965年仅3种,1972年即发展到37种,1977年达250种,1982年竟高达674种信息素和引诱剂。1985年 Burkholder 综述全世界已合成仓虫信息素22种,其中包括麦蛾。我国曾有人利用性诱剂作过防治麦蛾试验,但是利用性诱剂研究麦仓内麦蛾的消长规律尚未见报道。为此,我们于1985年利用上海昆虫所提供的红铃蛾诱(gossyplure“高斯”),在湖北省黄陂县的小麦仓内进行诱捕麦蛾发生规律的研究,试图为仓虫测报工作始奠初基。一、方法观察仓设在黄陂县城关镇粮管所麦仓内,仓容2000米~3,约300万斤,5月份前系先一年的陈麦,5月26日空仓后用烟雾剂熏蒸过,30日起又入库当年收购的新麦,半仓为散装,半仓为袋装,直至10月下旬才用磷化铝片进行熏蒸入冬。诱芯由1×3厘米的条形塑料夹层片构成,内夹有6根1厘米长内含性诱剂和稳定剂塑料管,使用时用铁丝夹住架在水钵上,水钵口径约20厘米,钵内经常满盛1%洗衣粉水,水钵放在仓窗口台上,钵高离麦堆约1米,钵距约30米,共设三钵,成三角形排列,逐日分钵记载诱蛾数。 Since the publication of “bombykol” by Butenandt et al. In 1959, the study of Pher-omone has attracted great interest both at home and abroad, with rapid progress from only 3 in 1965 to 37 in 1972 250 in 1977 and up to 674 pheromones and attractants in 1982. Burkholder, 1985 Summary 22 species of cercopithecus have been synthesized in the world, including wheat moth. Some people in our country have used sex attractants as the control test for the moth, but the use of sex attractants to study the dynamics of the growth and decline of the moth in the wheat has not been reported. For this reason, we used the gossyplure “Gossypin” (Gossyplure) provided by the Shanghai insect in 1985 to study the regularity of trapping the wheat moth in the wheat barn in Huangpi County, Hubei Province. Primary base. First, the method to observe the warehouse located in Huangpi County Chengguan Town Grain Manor warehouse, warehouse capacity of 2000 m ~ 3, about 3 million pounds, the first year in May before the Department of Chen Mai, May 26 short positions after using fumigation fumigation Over, on the 30th and then warehousing acquired new wheat, semi-warehouse for bulk, semi-warehouse for the bag, until the end of October with aluminum phosphide film fumigation into the winter. The entrapping core consists of a 1 × 3 cm strip of plastic sandwich sheet with six 1 cm long lure-inducing and stabilizing plastic tubes. When in use, the wire holder is held in a water pot with a wire diameter of about 20 cm, the bowl is often full of Sheng 1% detergent water, water bowl on the warehouse window stage, Bowl heap height of about 1 meter, bowl distance of about 30 meters, a total of three bowls, arranged in a triangle, the daily sub-bowl Record number of moths.
已证实还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NADPH )黄递酶即是一氧化氮合酶 ,因而可应用简便的 NADPH黄递酶组织化学染色法来观察机体组织一氧化氮合酶的存在与分布 ,从而间接了
Objective. - To investigate changes in the levels of calcitonin gene- related peptide and its intracellular messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate in serial s
目的 研究核酶抗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV) 的有效切割位点并获得高效、特异、无毒、价廉的HCV 特异性反式核酶。方法 根据文献报道的序列设计、合成HCV5′非结构(NC) 区和核心(C)
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