
来源 :总装备部医学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kaless
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1临床资料患者男,34岁,主因“尿毒症5年,晕厥1次”于2014年7月14日入院。2009年确诊为尿毒症后开始血液透析治疗,此次入院前1h无明显诱因出现晕厥1次,持续约1min缓解,自觉口周及四肢发麻,急到我院就诊,心电图示T波高尖、血钾9.20mmol/L。在行血液透析开机预冲过程中突发意识丧失、心跳骤停,心电图示窦性停搏、室性逸搏心律,立即予以人工胸外按压、开放气道、面罩辅助人工机械通气,先后静 1 Clinical data Patient male, 34 years old, mainly due to “uremia 5 years, syncope 1” was admitted on July 14, 2014. Hemodialysis was started after the diagnosis of uremia in 2009, and there was no obvious cause of syncope at 1h before admission. The duration of about 1min remission, consciously perioral and limb numbness, urgent to our hospital, ECG T wave tip, Potassium 9.20mmol / L. Hemodialysis in the prehypertensive switch during the process of sudden loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest, ECG Sinus arrest, ventricular dilation and heart rate, artificial thoracic pressure immediately, open airway, mask assisted artificial ventilation,
Extracellular vesicles(EVs) are fascinating nano-sized subjects extensively studied over the recent years across several disparate disciplines. EVs are endlessl
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