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在保证高炉喷吹煤粉利用率基本不变的条件下,适当放宽高炉喷吹煤粉粒度,可以节省电耗,降低制粉成本,提高磨煤机的台时产量,达到降低炼铁成本的目的。通过实验室对南钢喷吹煤粉的粒度组成和不同粒度煤粉燃烧特性进行研究,确定其放宽粒径的可行性,并在南钢高炉进行放宽煤粉粒径的工业实践,将小于74μm比例从73.43%降至59.47%,同时控制大于355μm的比例不变。通过测定在煤粉粒径放宽前后的利用率可以发现,在高炉生产保持稳定和顺行,原、燃料条件基本不变的条件下,放宽粒径前后煤粉利用率基本上没有大的变化。在进行烟煤和无烟煤混合喷吹的条件下,完全可以降低小于74μm比例,不必采用传统的看法将该比例控制在80%左右,且能够增加磨煤机的产量和降低制粉的能耗。 Under the condition of ensuring that the pulverized coal injection rate of pulverized coal injection is basically the same, reducing the pulverized coal injection rate in the blast furnace can save the power consumption, reduce the milling cost, increase the output of bench pulverizer and reduce the ironmaking cost purpose. Through the laboratory study on the particle size composition of pulverized coal injection and the combustion characteristics of pulverized coal with different particle sizes, the feasibility of relaxing the particle size of pulverized coal in Nanning Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. was studied. The industrial practice of relaxing the pulverized coal particle size in the blast furnace of Nangang Steel Co., Ltd., The proportion dropped from 73.43% to 59.47%, while controlling the ratio of greater than 355μm unchanged. By measuring the utilization of coal before and after the relaxation of particle size can be found in the blast furnace production remained stable and straightforward, the original, the fuel conditions are basically unchanged conditions before and after the relaxation of particle size coal utilization basically no major changes. Under the conditions of mixed injection of bituminous coal and anthracite coal, the ratio of less than 74μm can be completely reduced, and it is not necessary to control the ratio to be about 80% by the traditional view, and the output of the coal mill can be increased and the energy consumption of milling can be reduced.
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【摘要】在小學数学教学中,学生因为受年龄特征、认知结构、能力因素的影响经常会出现各种各样的错误。怎样才能科学的应对错误、利用错误?本文就教师有效利用错误资源的策略进行简要阐述。  【关键词】小学数学 错误资源 有效应用策略  【中图分类号】G623.5【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)31-0137-02  古语说“人非圣贤,孰能无过”,“智者千虑必有一失”。叶澜教授认为
(唐孝方著 作家出版社出版 )本书著者在“卷首小引”中说 :“本书既取名‘真伪鉴红楼———红楼‘打假’ ,这就意味着世上流行二百多年的《红楼梦》 ,有真有假。”“所谓真