Cultural Distinctions in Communication between English and Chinese

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  Abstract: This article deals with culture distinctions in communication between English and Chinese, which is important thing for English study. This paper aims to offer a brief summary of the rules in this aspect.
  Key words:culture distinctions; communication; language learning
  I. The influence and importance of cultural distinctions on communication
  With the development of the international communication, cultural distinctions have drawn more and more attention. Therefore it is important for English learners to know how to use language in communication under different cultural backgrounds. Because of cultural distinctions, misunderstanding may arise, although the language used in communication is faultless; even cause amusement, laughter, harmless statement, displeasure or anger. (Deng Yanchang)
  II. Cultural distinctions in different aspects
  A. Cultural distinctions in the meaning of words
  The denotation and connotation of corresponding words and expressions differ in cultures. There are many typical examples:
  “eat”(吃) eat one’s heart out(忧虑过度)eat out of one’s hand (毫无主见)(成丽芳,2000)
  B. Culture distinctions in daily conversation
  Culture differences are manifested in many aspects of our life. We should be aware of them. Because of different social ceremony and customs, we must know English-speaking people greet each other. For example “Hello, how are you?” or “lovely weather, isn’t it?” But Chinese people always say “Have you had your meal?” “Where are you going?” If you use Chinese ceremony to communicate with foreigners, they will misunderstand you. Or they think you want to invite them for dinner.
  C. Cultural distinctions in idioms
  English and Chinese are both rich in idioms. Here, we have examples:
  1.发生了大家认为不可能的事情。Chinese: 太阳从西边出来English: pigs might fly
  2某人爱嫉妒。 Chinese: 她真是得了红眼病。 English:a green-eyed woman(韦兰芝,2000)
  III. Methods of reducing cultural distinctions
  A. Trying to get right information of the culture
   We should master good cultural background information or knowledge about the history, geography, economy, politics, literatures, arts, social life, and customs of the English speaking countries. With the knowledge, we are able to grasp the full meaning of the expression by native English speakers in allusions.
  B. Knowing the connotation and denotation of words
   When we read literature, newspapers and magazines, we accumulate some vocabularies of cultural background, social customs. For example:
  He is the last man to do it. (决不会)
  He is the last person for such a job.(最不配)(张培基,1998)
  C. Adding meanings or notes for a better understanding.
  Winston Churchill made a well known remark, “Some chicken, and some neck!” It is hard for a person to understand it if he knows nothing about the background. What Churchill meant is “It is a difficult job to conquer Britain and the British people would fight back violently.” So it is very important for the readers to get the extended meaning. “司马昭之心,固已路人皆知.”Sima Zhao was a prime minister of Wei who nursed a secret ambition to usurp the throne. The emperor once remarked “Sima Zhao’s intention is obvious to every man in the street.” ( 汉英翻译教程,1999 )
  IV. Conclusion
  Since the process of learning a new language is also the process of learning a particular culture, language learners should be aware that they must mentally prepare to encounter more diversities rather expect more similarities in their cross-cultural communication. In order to enhance cross-cultural awareness learners should gain an insight into the history conventions, customs, habits, and life-style of the target culture. Challenging as it is, it is necessary for us to avoid misunderstandings and arguments among peoples and nations.
  [1]Deng Yanchang ,“Language and Culture”.The Press of Foreign Languages and Culture, Beijing [M].1995: 1-16
  [2]成丽芳:“吃·eat·文化”《英语知识》[J].大连l大连英语知识杂志社出版2001年12期 2001:5-6
  [3]《汉英翻译教程》[M].陕西:陕西人民出版社,1999 :143
  [4]韦兰芝 “英汉文化差异比较与翻译举例” 上海: 上海外国语教育出版社《英语自学》[J]2000年第9期2000:9
  [5]张培基《英汉翻译教程》[M].上海:上海外语出版社,1998 :37
摘要:众多的环境污染因素中,由化学品所造成的污染最为严重。在初中化学课中渗透环境意思教育,让学生了解化学与环境污染知识,进行环境保护教育的重要性。  关键字:初中化学;环境教育;    我国教育要培养的是:有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义事业接班人。他们不仅要有良好的文化素质,更需要有较高的思想素质。而化学学科是科学技术上的伟大成就及对世界文化产生深刻的影响,是学生树立起民族自豪感和民族自
开学至今,听了不少课,发现存在着同一个问题:课堂上,教师关注的永远是一小部分学生。上周五,我参加了苏州市骨干教师培训班活动。记得培训班上的一位心理学博士也问过我们几个问题:“平时上课,尤其是公开课,你是否只叫成绩优秀的学生回答问题?你是否只叫靠近讲台的学生回答问题?”我扪心自问,自己的课堂教学中,就是这样的。  在我们班,稍微难点的问题抛下去,我只会叫陈宗科、朱昊远、费欢、汪家杰、徐宇恒等我认为头
现在的教育提倡素质教育,素质教育的基本要求是教育要面向全体学生,因此,后进生的转化也是素质教育的重要一环,它直接影响素质教育的效果,下面谈谈我的几点体会:  一、要严中有爱  “教不严,师之惰”。老师对学生要求严格自古就有名训,但是有些老师,在教育学生时,只是片面奉行“严师出高徒”,对后进生只是一味地强调严格要求,不去主动接近他们,了解他们在生活上、学习上的困难,不与他们推心置腹地谈心,把握他们的
摘要 : 进入21世纪,经济全球化进程日益加快,世界范围内各种思想文化相互激荡,政治多极化趋势持续发展。在这种国际形势背景下,如何保持和发扬中华民族文化的传统,激发学生的爱国主义情感,已成为历史教育不能回避的问题。培养学生正确的历史观,使学生学会辩证地观察、分析历史与现实问题,加深对祖国的热爱和对世界的了解,养成现代公民应具备的人文素养,以应对新世纪的挑战。在这种新形势下,初中历史教师综合素质的提
摘要:班主任辅导员班主任是高校教师队伍的组成部分,是高校开展学生思想政治的骨干力量,是高校学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。本文分析了当前高校思想政治工作队伍的现状,提出提升高校思想政治队伍的有效途径。  关键词:高校 ; 思想政治 ; 队伍建设;    辅导员班主任、班主任是学校教师队伍和管理队伍的重要组成部分,在学校的建设和发展中处于非常重要的位置。随着我国改革开放的不断深入,社会的经济成分、就业
摘要:随着新课程改革的步步深入,反思近四年的教学,必须要深刻领会课改理念。全新的课程理念呼唤全新的教学方式和教学模式,实现三维教学目标,要求教师转变教学理念,优化教学过程, 构建多元化教学过程模式,培养学生学习的主动性、合作性和创造性,真正让学生成为课堂的主人。  关键词 : 新课改;合作探究; 教学模式;    不知不觉中, 高中新课改已经伴随着我们走过了近4个年头,回顾过去的日子,有过迷茫、有
摘要 : 高中语文教学不仅需要教授语文知识,还要积极地培养学生的学习兴趣,进而达到思维能力的培养。但是,教师受到应试教育的影响,在语文教学中采用填鸭式的教学方法进行授课。这些现象都极大地阻碍了学生语文思维能力的开发。本文将针对高中语文教学中如何培养学生的语文思维进行浅谈。  关键词 : 高中 ; 语文教学;语文思维;培养;    语文教学是科学和艺术的结合,而课堂教学则是这种结合的生动体现。教师根
摘要:基础会计课程是会计专业的入门课程,也是一门内容繁琐的专业基础课,这门课程教学效果的好坏,对后续课程将起到决定性的作用,笔者主要通过加强演示操练来大大降低基础会计课程的教学难度,这样,既能激发学生的学习兴趣,又能培养学生的各种能力,提高学生的综合素质,从而提高教学效果。  关键词 : 实践教学 ; 教学效果;    《基础会计》是会计电算化、涉外会计、财务管理等专业的基础课和核心课程,是会计专
摘要 : 贵州省是全国第二批社区矫正工作试点地区,笔者从贵州省社区矫正工作试点经验以及社区矫正工作法律制度建设存在的主要问题和困难入手,探讨如何完善完善贵州省社区矫正工作法律制度体系问题。   关键词 : 社区矫正;法律制度 ; 完善;    社区矫正是一项非监禁刑罚执行活动,在降低刑罚执行成本、解决监狱拥挤状况、加强实际行刑效果方面有着很重要的意义。贵州省作为全国第二批社区矫正工作试点地区,在各