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1940年初秋,我们津南自卫军参加了举世闻名的“百团大战”之后,奉命恢复三五九旅七一九团建制,部队从冀中进驻到陕北的米脂县,团部驻扎在米脂县城内蟠龙山上的一座大庙里.这时,我是七一九团副团长,后来因为团长张仲翰到延安学习,由我和政委曾涤同志负责部队工作,我又兼任了米脂县城的城防司令,还当上了米脂县中学的董事长.那时,蒋介石政府积极反共,消极抗日,对陕甘宁边区大搞经济封锁,不断制造军事摩擦,停发了我军的粮饷,使边区军民处于严重困难的境地.在我团驻防的米脂县城里,设有国民党的县党部和所谓国民革命政府.他们嘴里空喊抗日,暗地里搜集我方情报,挑拨我军和群众的关系,阻挠我们发展生产,干了不少祸国殃民的坏事.旅部首长王震同志根据党中央的精神,多次指示我们,在搞好部队休整、训练的同时,开展生产自救,打破敌人的经济封锁;团结一切抗日爱国力量,同国民党顽固派势力作坚决的斗争.我们刚到陕北时就听说,王震旅长经过针锋相对的斗争,把国民党专员何绍南这个“摩擦专家”赶跑了.旅部首长的斗争胆识和策略,鼓舞着干部战士的斗志.在我们同各种艰难困苦作斗争中,1941年的春节来到了.大年初一,米脂县的各界人士到驻地给我 In the early autumn of 1940, following our world-famous “Hundred Regiments Campaign”, our Jinnan Self-Defense Forces were ordered to resume the construction of the March 9th Brigade and Battalion Commanders. The troops were stationed in Mizhi County in northern Shaanxi Province from Jizhong. The regiment stationed in meters At this time, I was the deputy head of the seventy-nine Chinese Communist Youth League. Later, because Zhang Zhonghan, head of the delegation, went to study in Yan’an, Comrade Zeng Di, who was in charge of the political commissar, was responsible for the army work. At that time, the Chiang Kai-shek government actively opposed the Communist Party of China and actively opposed the Japanese. It carried out economic blockades on the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, continuously created military friction and stopped the use of our army In the Mizhi County where our regiment is stationed, there is the Kuomintang’s county party department and the so-called National Revolutionary Government, who empty their voices to resist Japan and secretly collect our intelligence and provoke our troops and According to the party Central Committee’s spirit, Director Wang Zhen repeatedly instructed us to carry out production self-help and break the enemy’s own forces while doing a good job of rest and training of troops. Economic seal ; Unite with all anti-Japanese patriotic forces and fight resolutely with the obstinate forces of the Kuomintang. When we first arrived in northern Shaanxi, we heard that Brigadier-General Wang Zhenzhan shook off the “friction expert” of the Kuomintang commissioner He Shaonan through tit-for-tat struggle. In the course of our struggle against all kinds of hardship and hardships, the Spring Festival of 1941 arrived, and on the first day of the New Year, people from all walks of life in Mizhi County sent me to the resident
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元素推断题是近年来部分地区高考命题的热点,解答这类问题时要注意题目所给的特征实验现象或数据,结合周期表中位构性的关系 ,顺藤摸瓜,逐步推出结果,主要问题有如下几种.  一、通过周期表中主族元素的位置推断  学生对于元素周期表中的长短周期、主副族、每周期的元素数目等一定要记清楚,这是解决这类问题的前提条件,同时也要知道主族元素在周期表中的特殊位置.  例1 甲、乙、丙、丁都是短周期元素,其中甲、丁周
连云港高级中学始建于1956年,1997年被确定为江苏省重点中学,201 1年学校搬迁到新校址,是一所集绿化、美化、现代化于一身,凭借雄厚实力、先进理念和骄人业绩而傲立于连云港
问:近来我的腿和脚总爱一阵阵地抽筋,一位朋友告诉我,缺钾可以引起肌肉痉挛。请问,我腿脚抽筋是因缺钾所致吗? 答:钾的摄取量不足,是能引起肌肉痉挛的。但这并不绝对。肌肉