日本内燃机车的历史,是从二次大战后美军把8500型(后改称 DDl2型)机车引入日本之后,才真正开始的。可在此之后,日本自己又研制了 DD53型和 DD11型机车。1957年以后,日本又陆续地研制成功了 DF50型、DD13型、DD51型、DE10型、DE11型等多种型号,不同用途的内燃机车,并以这些机车来推进内燃化。到1979年1月,日本已经拥有16种型号,2180台内燃机车。这些机车分布在日本全国各地的支线上,从事牵引和调车作用。
The history of Japanese diesel locomotives started only after the U.S. military introduced the 8500 (later renamed DDl2) locomotive to Japan after the Second World War. After that, Japan itself developed the DD53 and DD11 locomotives. After 1957, Japan successively developed DF50, DD13, DD51, DE10 and DE11 models and other diesel locomotives for different purposes and promoted the internal combustion of these locomotives. By January 1979, Japan already had 16 models and 2180 diesel locomotives. These locomotives are distributed throughout Japan and are used for traction and shunting.