
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fcfy99
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随着我国社会主义市场经济的建立和完善,建筑市场随之转化为商品市场,施工企业不再是过去的“等饭吃”,而是要“找饭吃”。由于各施工企业创建和发展的历程不同,企业的组织机构、人员素质、所用的施工设备和方法等都有所差别,其结果是同一项目的投入产出比不相等,因此,企业的经济效益以产值的大小来衡量是不确切的,应以盈利的多少为尺度。现在,建设部和中国石油天然气总公司全面推广项目法施工,国内的建设项目陆续实行招投标,项目承包企业对施工项目通过实行优化配置、动态管理,使项目的经济效益大幅度地提高,为此,各施工企业在项目法施工这个新的管理模式下,积极探索适应本企业的新路子,有些施工企业已从中收到了明显的经济效益。从这些企业改革的情况来看,要保证和提高施工企业的总体经济效益,首先应使每个施工项目获得最大的经济效益。 对于一个施工项目来说,它的效益来源有两个方面:一个是招标项目所决定的各种条件,如果项目承包 With the establishment and improvement of China’s socialist market economy, the construction market has subsequently transformed into a commodity market. Construction companies are no longer “waiting for food” in the past, but rather “looking for food”. Due to the different course of establishment and development of each construction company, the organization, personnel quality, construction equipment and methods used in the company are all different. As a result, the input-output ratio of the same project is not equal. Therefore, the economic benefits of the enterprise Measured by the size of the output value is inaccurate and should be measured by the amount of profit. Now, the Ministry of Construction and China National Petroleum Corporation have comprehensively promoted the construction of project methods, and domestic construction projects have successively implemented tenders and bids. Project contracting companies have adopted optimized allocation and dynamic management of construction projects, which has greatly increased the economic benefits of the project. Therefore, under the new management model of project law construction, each construction company actively explores new ways to adapt to the company. Some construction companies have already received significant economic benefits from this. From the perspective of the reform of these enterprises, to ensure and improve the overall economic benefits of construction companies, we must first obtain the maximum economic benefits for each construction project. For a construction project, its benefits come from two aspects: one is the various conditions determined by the bidding project, if the project is contracted
一、曾经十年辉煌 11年前,中德两国总理亲临上海安亭奠基,从此拉开了大众与中国合作的序幕,也翻开了中国轿车工业发展的崭新的一页。 大众驻京代表处职员约塞克先生介绍说:
秋高的9月,风和日丽,我们在国际大厦德国克洛克纳·洪堡·道依茨集团公司(KHD)北京办事处拜访了首席代表克劳斯(Martin Claus)先生。作为有百年历史的集团公司的成员,克劳斯