Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification with Classifier Combination

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hackxingxing
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State-of-the-arts studies on sentiment classification are typically domain-dependent and domain-restricted. In this paper, we aim to reduce domain dependency and improve overall performance simultaneously by proposing an efficient multi-domain sentiment classification algorithm. Our method employs the approach of multiple classifier combination. In this approach, we first train single domain classifiers separately with domain specific data, and then combine the classifiers for the final decision. Our experiments show that this approach performs much better than both single domain classification approach (using the training data individually) and mixed domain classification approach (simply combining all the training data). In particular, classifier combination with weighted sum rule obtains an average error reduction of 27.6% over single domain classification.
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【摘 要】本篇文章主要叙述了绿色农产品 日光温室芫荽主要栽培技术、病虫害防治及采收等技术的要求。  【关键词】绿色;农产品;芫荽;栽培技术  [Abstract] this paper mainly describes the technical requirements of the main cultivation techniques, insect pest control and har
1.选地  选择地势平坦、湿润、水源方便、半阴(背阴坡)、排水好的微酸性或中性疏松肥沃的沙土地块。耙地时施入农家肥,每亩施农家肥1000-2000㎏,为减少病虫害,还要施入呋喃丹10㎏,多菌灵5㎏,然后做床,即可播种。  2.育苗  2.1 硬枝扦插育苗 在4月上旬树液流动后,选1年生枝条,剪成10㎝长小段用二号生根粉100ppm浸泡6小时,然后清水清洗后扦插在床土中,床土用河沙与山坡土按3:1配