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一有一段时间,我不大知道,这个城市的白天是什么样子。那样的日子,我是活在夜里的。活是活,但是,总是活得迷迷糊糊的,因为,别人迎着朝霞开始每一天,我却在整个朝气上升的时候做着乱七八糟的白日梦;别人进入梦乡的时候,我却神出鬼没般地游走在夜晚的街道上。与常人颠倒的作息,让我像老鼠一样,极少见到阳光,总让我觉得自己的行迹不那么光明磊落。那段日子,是我最讨厌方块字的时候。每个字都看着那么可疑,每个字都看上去不像白天那样,胳膊是胳膊腿是腿的,徒增了一种灯下昏黄的色调,变得暧昧和走样起来。每个字,都和白天里看它的意思不一样,比如光明正大这四个 I do not know for a while, what the daytime of the city looks like. That day, I live in the night. Life is alive, but I am always in a drowsiness, because when others start the daylighting, I am in full drowsiness daydreaming as the vitality goes up; Swim like the streets in the night. Upside down with the rest of the routine, let me like a mouse, rarely see the sun, I always feel that their performance is not so honorable. Those days, when I hate the word block. Every word looked so suspicious, every word did not look like the day, arms and legs are legs, add a dimly dim light color, become ambiguous and aliasing up. Each word is different from what it means during the day, like the four
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Continuous bladder irrigation(CBI)is commonly prescribed after certain prostate surgeries to help prevent the clot formation and retention that are frequently a
文章论述了中国传统图案教学内容的精选与整和、专业技能训练项目的重点,教学过程、方法的研究以及探索传统图案教学的新手段。 The article discusses the selection and i