
来源 :食品与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:niubisile
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新春伊始,我们刊发了近期收到的大量读者来信中的一封,以表示感谢热心读者对我们的大力支持和帮助。当今正处信息时代,新科技、新信息不断更新换代,我们将一如既往地不断地提高刊物的文化品位,创出自己的风格,以最新的科技信息服务于广大读者。 对于本刊刊发的一些食疗验方,我们还是那句老话,仅供参考。中医中药是我国传统文化的瑰宝,是行之有效的医疗方法之一,这是毫无疑问的,也是举世公认的。但是,目前世界对中医中药还处在研究开发之中,在许多方面还拿不出一个量化的东西。况且每个患者的身体状况、患病原因不同,那个验方也许对甲人甲病有效,也许对乙人甲病就无效,所以对于食疗药膳我们都要抱着个因人而异的科学态度,既不能一概排斥,也不能盲目轻信,还要根据个人的具体情况,在医生指导下进行医治。还望广大读者多反映有关食品与健康方面的要求,以便我们更好地改进服务。祝读者诸君春节愉快,合家欢乐。 At the beginning of the new year, we published one of a large number of recent letters received from readers to express my gratitude to the enthusiastic readers for their great support and help. Today’s information age, new technology, new information constantly updated, we will continue to constantly improve the cultural quality of publications, create their own style, with the latest scientific and technological information services to our readers. For some food prescription published prescription, we are still the old saying goes, for reference purposes only. Traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure of our country’s traditional culture and is one of the most effective medical treatments. This is undoubtedly and universally acknowledged. However, at present, the world is still under research and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and in many aspects it can not find a quantifiable thing. Moreover, each patient’s physical condition, the reasons for the disease is different, that prescription may be effective against A, may be invalid for A, so for the therapeutic diet we all have to hold a scientific attitude from person to person, Neither exclusion nor blind faith can be rejected, but medical treatment should also be conducted under the guidance of a doctor according to the specific circumstances of the individual. We also hope that most readers will reflect more on food and health requirements so that we can better improve our service. I wish readers a happy New Year, happy family.
天津人爱吃鱼是远近闻名的,有人戏称老天津卫人为“猫”,天津人也不以为忤。老天津还有句民谚,叫“当当(借钱)买海货,不算不会过”。可见嗜腥之程度。 天津人爱吃鱼与地理位
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