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为了纪念“新浪潮之父”安德烈·巴赞诞辰90周年暨逝世50周年,《电影手册》特在今年9月刊上重载了这篇发表于五十二年前的文章。当时,欧洲刚刚走出二战的阴影,电影更多地被认为是一种宣传手段或娱乐工具,并没有像文学一样被视为严肃的艺术创作。《公民凯恩》在法国放映后,让-保罗·萨特甚至写了一篇题为《当好莱坞试图发人深省的时候……》的文章,发表在1945年8月刊的《法国银屏》上,讽刺好莱坞影片。巴赞的这篇文章正是针对以萨特为代表的法国知识分子阶层的偏见,指出图像和文字具有同样的表现力,电影和文学享有同等的艺术地位。随后,巴赞在1947年2月刊的《现代时光》杂志上发表文章《〈公民凯恩〉的技术运用》,以“让我们再来谈谈《公民凯恩》”开篇,承接此文的结尾,进一步阐述此文的观点。“表达的独创性获得了完全的自由,这个坚定的选择取决于艺术意愿。”当巴赞以自信的笔调写下这句话的时候,我们不难发现“新浪潮”已经出现在远远的海平面上。 In honor of the 90th anniversary of the birth of André Bazin, the father of “New Waves,” and the fiftieth anniversary of his death, the “Film Handbook” specially re-published this article fifty-two years ago in the September issue of this year. At that time, Europe had just emerged from the shadow of World War II. Movies were more often regarded as propaganda tools or entertainment tools, and were not regarded as serious artistic creations as literature did. Jean-Paul Sartre even wrote an article entitled “Citizen Kane” after his screening in France, titled “When Hollywood tries to be thought-provoking ...”, published in the August 1945 issue of “The French Screen”, ironically Hollywood movie. This article by Bazan precisely addresses the prejudices of the French intelligentsia represented by Sartre, pointing out that images and texts have the same expressive power, and that films and literature enjoy equal artistic status. Then, in the February 1947 issue of “Modern Time” magazine, Bazan published an article entitled “The Application of Technology by Civic Kane,” to “Let's talk about” Citizen Kane, “which begins with the article At the end, further elaborate the article's point of view. ”The fullness of the expression of originality is fully freed, the firm choice depends on the artistic will.“ ”When Bazin wrote the sentence in a confident tone, we can easily find that“ new wave ”has emerged At far sea level.
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