有资料透露,其实Intel早在几年前就有能力生产400MHz的CPU了,不过从8086到PⅢ500,隔了八、九代,还美其名曰:“超越自我,追求无限”,害得咱们老百姓一个劲地在后面傻追。 这不,去年勒紧裤腰,好不容易抢了爹妈的大彩电、老婆的裙子、儿子的电动汽车、女儿的巴碧娃娃,含着泪抱回来的宝贝,转眼刚过了年,价就掉得跟人老珠黄一般。平时最恨人在我面前提“又降价啦!”——哪怕人家是在说肥皂,听到这个词,心酸呀!信箱里的报价单更是不敢看:哎,买PⅡ的钱,赶现在,就是PⅢ了!主版、显卡、内存、硬盘这些“吃钱”的祖宗,哪个不是学Intel?亲戚朋友听说咱有台计算机,就问:“什么配置呀?”,嘟噜了半天,什么也不敢说,只敢说句“买的早了,不算太好!”
According to statistics, in fact, Intel was able to produce 400MHz CPU several years ago, but from 8086 to PIII500, after eight or nine generations, its name is: “Surpassing Self and Pursuing Unlimited” People continue to chase behind silly in the back. This is not last year, tighten their waistband, finally robbed the big color TV, wife’s skirt, son’s electric car, daughter of the babies, babies with tears back, just passed the price, To be old people with yellow beads. Usually hate people in front of me to mention “another price it!” - even if people are talking about the soap, I heard the word, sad! Mailbox quote is even more afraid to see: hey, buy P Ⅱ money, rush Now, is the PIII! Main Edition, graphics card, memory, hard drive these “eat money” ancestors, which is not to learn Intel? Relatives and friends heard that we have a computer, asked: “What configuration?”, Duluo a long time, Dare not say anything, dare to say “buy early, not too good!”