
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wht000a
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目的分析流动人口孕妇的健康调查及护理应对措施。方法采取整体随机抽样方法 ,对接诊的100例流动人口孕妇进行健康问卷调查,定量了解流动人口孕妇的健康状况、孕期保健知识来源途径、孕期保健知识需求、孕期保健服务需求及孕期保健行为。结果 100例流动人口孕妇中,孕周≤12周23例;孕周13~27周35例;孕周≥28周42例;胎次:第1胎80例;第2胎以上20例;妊娠合并症8例,以合并糖尿病、高血压、心脏病及贫血为主。孕期保健知识来源途径依次为亲戚朋友、医护人员、电视及报纸、网络及其他、孕妇培训课室;孕期保健知识需求依次为产前保健、母乳喂养、分娩方式知识、哺乳期乳房保健、生殖道健康及哺乳期避免;孕期保健服务需求依次为新生儿护理指导、产后恢复、科学育儿指导、妇儿用药指导、月子服务、预防接种知识指导、避孕知识指导、计划生育指导;孕期保健行为依次为判断自身状况,及时就医、遵守医嘱补充营养素、医嘱产前检查、自我体重监测。结论流动人口孕妇的孕期保健知识掌握程度较低、孕期保健来源途径不合理,孕期保健知识需求、服务需求及行为需求大,仍需加强孕期保健,改善流动人口孕妇的健康状况。 Objective To analyze the health status of pregnant women in floating population and the nursing countermeasures. Methods A total of 100 pregnant women with floating population were enrolled in this study. Their health status, source of health knowledge during pregnancy, health care needs during pregnancy, needs of health care during pregnancy and health behaviors during pregnancy were studied. Results Among the 100 floating population pregnant women, there were 23 cases of gestational weeks≤12 weeks, 35 cases of gestational weeks from 13 to 27 weeks, 42 cases of gestational weeks≥28 weeks, 80 cases of first birth, 20 cases of second birth and more than 20 cases of pregnancy Complications in 8 cases, with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and anemia. The sources of health care knowledge during pregnancy followed by relatives and friends, health care workers, TV and newspapers, Internet and other, pregnant women training classroom; pregnancy health knowledge needs followed by prenatal care, breastfeeding, knowledge of mode of delivery, breastfeeding breast health, reproductive tract health And lactation avoidance. The demand for health care services during pregnancy followed by neonatal nursing guidance, postpartum recovery, scientific childcare guidance, medication guidance for pregnant women and children, oncology service, vaccination knowledge guidance, contraceptive knowledge guidance and family planning guidance. The health care behaviors during pregnancy were Judge their own condition, timely medical treatment, adhere to doctor's advice to supplement nutrients, doctor's orders, prenatal care, self-weight monitoring. Conclusion Pregnant women have a low level of knowledge of pregnancy during pregnancy, unreasonable sources of health care during pregnancy, high demand of health care during pregnancy, high demand for services and behavioral needs. Therefore, it is still necessary to strengthen the health care during pregnancy to improve the health status of pregnant women among floating population.
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