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8月18日,正当中国运动员在雅典顽强拼搏征战第28届夏季奥运会之际,由286人(其中运动员200人)组成的参加雅典残奥会的中国残疾人体育代表团在北京宣告成立。这是自1984年第七届残奥会以来,中国第六次派出体育代表团参加残奥会,也是参加历届残奥会规模最大的中国代表团。第十二届残奥会将于2004年9月17日至28日在希腊雅典举行。来自140多个国家和地区的4000余名残疾人运动员将参加10个大项、526个小项的激烈角逐。2004年9月,中国残奥会代表团赴雅典前夕,本刊记者专程采访了中国残奥会代表团团长王新宪。 On August 18, just as Chinese athletes were making concerted efforts to fight the 28th Summer Olympic Games in Athens, a Chinese disabled sports delegation consisting of 286 people (including 200 athletes) participating in the Athens Paralympic Games was declared in Beijing. This is the sixth time since the Seventh Paralympic Games in 1984 that China has dispatched a sports delegation to attend the Paralympic Games and is also the largest Chinese delegation to attend the previous Paralympic Games. The 12th Paralympic Games will be held from September 17 to 28, 2004 in Athens, Greece. More than 4,000 handicapped athletes from more than 140 countries and regions will participate in fierce competitions of 10 major and 526 small items. In September 2004, the delegation of the Chinese Paralympic Games went to Athens on the eve of a special interview with Wang Xinxian, head of the delegation of the Chinese Paralympic Games.
Niobium(V) ethoxide(Nb(OEt)5) was synthesized by electrochemical reaction of ethanol with niobium plate as the sacrificial anode,stainless steel as the cathode
为解决电大尺寸导体上天线配置问题,以提高表征天线间电磁干扰大小的参数——隔离度为目标,引入单纯形优化算法(s im p lex ne lder-m ead)。以车顶天线布局为算例,并与遗传
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP) is a peculiar disease in middle-late pregnancy with the pathological characteristics of hepatic capillary bile duct s
生长抑素及其类似物(somatostatln analogue,SSA)具有抗肿瘤的作用,生长抑素受体显像技术就是应用有关的放射性核素标记SSA,将放射性核素通过生长抑素受体(somatostatin rece