Nightmare Waves

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本文让我们“领教”一个时有耳闻,却难得一见的自然现象——海啸。 《现代汉语词典》对“海啸”的解释是;由海底地震或风暴引起的海水剧烈波动。而海啸的英语表达是:tsunami。本文对该词加注:Japenese for harbor waves。可见,英语词汇tsunami是从日语“借”来的。 本文的开头惊心动魄:1946年因阿留申群岛海底的里氏7.3级的地震引起了滔天巨浪,竟然在海面上翻滚2500英里,直扑夏威夷。一位当地居民亲见海啸的不可思议的力量: Then I saw the building moving slowly across the street toward me。 159人在这次海啸中丧生! 据统计,自1888年以来,全球在海啸中丧生的人数达50,000。由于许多人不知海啸为何物,死到临头还不知是怎么回事: Five men stationed at nearby Scotch Cap Lighthouse felt the quake.They probablyassumed they were secure inside their concrete structure perched on a bluff 32 feet above sea level.But 45 minutes later,a wave estimated to have been 100 feet high smashedinto the lighthouse,disintegrating all but its foundation. 具有如此巨大摧毁力的海啸究竟是如何形成的? 显然,tsunami和平常的潮汐不同:…tsunamis aren’t caused by thegravitational pull of su This article allows us to “teach” a natural phenomenon that has been heard but rarely seen – the tsunami. The interpretation of the “tsunami” in the Modern Chinese Dictionary is: violent seawater fluctuations caused by sea bottom earthquakes or storms. The tsunami in English is: tsunami. This article adds to the word: Japenese for harbor waves. Visible, the English word tsunami is “borrowed” from Japanese. The beginning of this article was thrilling: In 1946, the 7.3-magnitude earthquake on the sea floor of the Aleutian Islands caused a huge wave. It actually rolled over 2,500 miles on the surface of the sea and patrolled Hawaii. A local inhabitant saw the incredible power of the tsunami: Then I saw the building moving slowly across the street toward me. 159 people died in this tsunami! According to statistics, since 1888, the number of people killed in the global tsunami reached 50,000. Since many people do not know what the tsunami is, they are still not aware of what happened: Five men stationed at nearby Scotch Cap Lighthouse felt the quake.The possible assumed they were secure inside their concrete structure perched on a bluff 32 feet above sea level.But 45 minutes later,a wave is estimated to have been 100 feet high smashedinto the lighthouse,disintegrating all but its foundation. How did the tsunami with such a huge destructive power actually form? Obviously, tsunami is different from the usual tides: ...tsunamis aren’t Caused by thegravitational pull of su
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