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  The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee weekend promises to be “more exciting than the Olympics”, the Mayor of London said as details of the centrepiece Thames river pageant were made public.1
  Boris Johnson said he had been struck by how many people saw the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee as the landmark event of 2012, rather than the Olympics, as Britain prepared for “a summer like no other”.
  On Sunday, June 3 the Jubilee weekend will come to a climax with a seven-mile flotilla of 1,000 boats making up the biggest gathering on the Thames in 350 years.2
  The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be at the centre of the water-borne procession on the royal barge, while senior members of the Royal family will travel on other boats.3
  These will include more than 40 of the “little ships” used in the evacuation of Dunkirk4, dragon boats, house boats, pleasure cruisers, steamers and naval vessels, in a “quite stunning” event which is expected to draw 1.5 million people to the river’s banks.
  Mr. Johnson said: “Millions of people will be there and perhaps hundreds of millions will be watching around the world, so let’s have a fantastic party…who knows, it may even be more exciting than the Olympics.”
  Diamond Jubilee is in every respect a truly special occasion for British Monarch. There are only two Diamond Jubilees in its history, one for the incumbent5 Queen Elizabeth II, and the other for Queen Victoria in 1897.
  Initially Queen Victoria had hoped for a quiet commemoration following her popular Golden Jubilee 10 years earlier, but realised the people were intent on marking the occasion in style.6 The then Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain suggested that the anniversary should be used to celebrate the British Empire and the Queen approved.7 It became a glittering celebration, with troops from across the Empire processing through the streets in her honour.8
  On June 20, 1897, Victoria, dressed in black silk with a black bonnet decorated with white ostrich feathers and diamonds, processed through London in a carriage to St. Paul’s Cathedral for a service9, across London Bridge, through south London and back past Parliament to Buckingham Palace.
  She was moved by the experience, writing in her journal that night: “No one ever, I believe, has met with such an ovation10 as was given to me, passing through those six miles of streets... The crowds were quite indescribable and their enthusiasm truly marvellous and deeply touching.”
  Now we are given a rare opportunity to live through the most remarkable celebration in British history. On this day, we will celebrate the common values that link our monarch to her legendary predecessor—duty, strength, constancy.11 And this same day, we will witness the dear Queen turn 86 years old, commemorating the 60 superb years she has given to the country. The Queen typically celebrates her birthday with more intimate12 celebrations, such as small gatherings of the royal family and other such people. But it seems like her wish cannot be granted13 after all.
  1. Diamond Jubilee: 钻石庆典,即60周年庆典。依据原来的英国传统,“钻石庆典”一般指的是某人75岁生日或某个事件的75周年纪念日。但是维多利亚女王统治期间英国政府对这一传统进行了修改。1861年维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王去世后,维多利亚女王基本上不参与公众活动,几乎退出了公众视线,当时英国群众由于不满产生了一些骚乱。因此,英国政府决定将维多利亚女王的钻石庆典提前到1897年她登基的60周年纪念日举办。从此之后,钻石庆典就被视为60周年庆典了;pageant: 盛会,露天表演。
  2. climax: 高潮,顶点;flotilla: 小型船队,小舰队。
  3. water-borne: 由水浮起的,水运的;procession: 队伍,列队行进;barge: 驳船,游艇。
  4. the evacuation of Dunkirk: 敦刻尔克大撤退,第二次世界大战中英法联军最大规模的军事撤退。在这次军事行动中,英国利用各种船只最终撤出了大量的部队。
  5. incumbent: 现任的,在职的。
  6. commemoration: 纪念,庆典;Golden Jubilee: 50周年庆典;in style:气派,隆重。
  7. Secretary of State for the Colonies: 殖民大臣,即20世纪中期前英国专门负责殖民地事宜的一名内阁大臣。该职位于20世纪中期被取缔,并入了(英国)外交和联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Office);Joseph Chamberlain: 约瑟夫·张伯伦,英国著名企业家、政治家和演说家,是英国财政大臣奥斯丁·张伯伦和英国首相亚瑟·内维尔·张伯伦的父亲。曾任对外贸易大臣、殖民大臣等公职。
  8. glittering: 辉煌的,盛大的;process: 〈正式〉列队行进,缓缓前进。
  9. service: 宗教仪式,礼拜仪式。
  10. ovation: 热烈欢迎。
  11. predecessor: 前任,前辈;constancy: 忠诚,忠贞。
  12. intimate: 亲密的,私人的。
  13. grant: 准予,允许。
“羌塘”是藏语,意思是“北方的高地”。它是一个半封闭的高原,北部是昆仑山脉,西部是喀喇昆仑山脉,南部是冈底斯一念青唐古拉山脉,占地70多万平方公里。  其中羌塘國家级自然保护区,位于青藏高原西北部的那曲地区和阿里地区,平均海拔5000米,总面积约29岛万平方公里。保护区内的山体连续分布,低山、丘陵和湖泊形成波状起伏的地形,落差在200~1000米,其中海拔6000米以上的山峰60余座,1平方公里以
一个爱狗人士的使命  制作人Kale Casey本身便是一名狗拉滑雪运动员、野外消防员,还是美国国家队副队长,毕业于斯坦福大学,在过去的19年里,他一直居住在拥有壮美山地景观的科罗拉多州西部。Kale Casey在北美地区的大小比赛中屡战屡胜,变得小有名气,逐渐地,他肩负起了在本土以及世界范围内推广狗力运动的使命。  什么是狗力运动?其英文Dog-powered sports,即以狗的牵引拖拽为动
北京—锡林郭勒草原自驾攻略  7月8日,锡林郭勒盟G239内蒙古段全线通车,成为连接京津冀距离最短、收费最低、时间最省、路况最好、旅游资源最丰富的草原直通黄金大道。G239起点位于正蓝旗桑根达来镇,与锡张高速S27、呼海大通道、省道308相接,终点至多伦县十五号与张承高速大滩连接线相接,通过张承高速大滩至丰宁段、G111丰宁至怀柔段和怀柔至京承高速公路直达北京。较经张家口进京路线全程缩短近80公里
In October 1956, Ronnie, a Dutch woman married to a Canadian minister of religion, is on a tourist trip in Israel. On a kibbutz she bumps into a schoolteacher, Rachel Rosenthal, whom she realises she
“在印度和巴基斯坦边界上,还屹立着一些未登峰。我们刚来到克什米尔就被印度洋的大暴雨问候了一番。好在后来我们在印度北部山区开发出一条新的攀登路线,完成两座未登峰的首登,和著名登山家Stephan Siegrist一起哦!美梦成真!”  早在1983年,两位英国登山家Dick Renshaw和Stephen Venables首次登上了印控克什米尔地区、喜马拉雅山脉的Kishtwar Shivling峰
长江源区,地处青藏高原,平均海拔高度近5000米,生态环境极为脆弱。  唐古拉山镇是长江源核心区的组成部分,地处青藏高原腹地,行政隶属青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州格尔木市,平均海拔4700米,长江正源沱沱河发源和流经该镇,因而也被称为“长江第一镇”。  可是近年来唐古拉山镇被媒体冠以“长江第一污染源”的名号,高原的蓝天、白云、阳光、雪山和随处可见的垃圾形成了巨大的反差。  除了日益泛滥的垃圾带来的环
位于加拿大西海岸的不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia,以下简称BC)作为加拿大第三大省份,坐落于落基山脉和太平洋之间,地形多样,气候温和。徒步、骑行、观鲸甚至观熊——BC省各地遍布着让户外爱好者心动甚至激动的各种户外项目。而每到冬季,因为有着落基山脉的庇佑,这里更是全球滑雪爱好者的梦想之地,如果你想带着家人一起来一次滑雪度假旅行,BC省可以满足你的所有需求。  这个雪季,老天爷似乎
在2022北京冬奥会成功申办之后,滑雪的热度如火箭般迅速高涨,拥有得天独厚的海洋性气候的邻国日本,必然成为国内滑雪爱好者出境滑雪的首选之地。日本长野县、北海道、日本东北作为日本滑雪的三大胜地,在滑雪热潮中热度直线攀升。如果你想真正感受冬季的冰雪,又想躲避如织的人流感受异国风情,那同为冬奥承办之地的日本长野应该是你的首选之地。  长野县位于日本本州岛中部,处于关西、关东之间,在素有“日本屋脊”之称的
爱德华·桑福德·马丁(1856-1939)出生于美国纽约一个富裕家庭,从小接受了良好的教育,大学就读于哈佛大学,学习法律。不过,毕业后,他选择了写作作为终生职业,是世界上发行历史最长的幽默杂志《哈佛妙文》(The Harvard Lampoon)的创刊人之一,也是《生活》(Life)杂志的第一任文学主编,并在这个位置上工作了45年。在1920年至1935年期间,他还担任了《哈珀月刊》(Harper
孙斌:巅峰户外运动学校校长、巅峰探游创始人、原中国国家登山队教练、The North Face 运动员、Fenix 运动员,国内系列攀岩、攀冰、高山向导课程的设计者和教练,多次完成“7 2”探险项目。巅峰探游之前一直以“7 2”探险为主营方向,而从2017年开始,也开始涉足8000米级山峰的商业攀登,已经带领客户成功登顶过珠峰和马纳斯鲁峰两座8000米级山峰。8000米进阶之路    8000米,