The State of EFLTESOL Education in China

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  【Abstract】In the past forty years, English language teaching and learning have played a quite important role in China, which is closely related to the nation’s modernization and development of economy. The policies and programs of expanding English language teaching in China have varied according to the different periods. They are typically affected by various elements such as the economic, political and social development of China in the past four decades. This paper mainly discusses the state of TESOL/EFL education in China and also illustrates some typical problems and solutions of EFL Teaching in China.
  【Key words】EFL teaching(English as a foreign language); TESOL (Teaching English to speakers of other languages); Communicative language teaching; Task-based methodology
  The background of EFL Education in China
  During the ten years from 1966 to 1976, when the Cultural Revolution was carried out, there was not any development and expansion of English teaching in China. During this period, the English language is regarded as the enemy and nearly all the programs of English teaching have been destroyed in the education system. Although some English curriculums appeared in the 1970s in schools, however, there were not actual teaching and learning applied and they existed only in forms. Afterwards, as the second leadership of China, Deng Xiaoping was supported by the majority of people; he stressed the importance of second language learning to the science and technology development and the utilitarian orientation. Therefore, in the 1980s, a dramatic reform of the English teaching system was issued. English was seen as the modernization of China and teachers and educators were encouraged to attempt to use new and various teaching approaches such as functional and situational approaches, communicative approaches instead of the solely traditional ones. At the beginning of the new century, Chinese people continue to have an increasingly enthusiasm and scale to learn English.
  The Problems and solutions of EFL Teaching in China
  As the English language has been taught in China so many years, the English language teaching in China has its own specific features and problems. The following paragraphs are reviews of the previous researches, and problems and solutions EFL teaching would be presented as well.
  The primary problem existed in English language teaching is teaching approaches which the ESL teachers used in classrooms. The English teachers in China firstly and normally adopt the traditional language teaching methods. However, the traditional language method pays more attention to the sentence structures and ignores the essence of language. The second main problem is that the corresponding teaching materials are not adequate as well. Hu (2004) asserted the textbooks are really essential for EFL teaching in China, for they provide input for language learners and guidance to the curriculum. However, according to his study, the limitations to material writing are lack of sources and better understanding of Chinese language learners’ learning process.   In order to alter this situation, firstly, the government and Ministry of Education may prescribe the appropriate and efficient curriculum and syllabuses according to the nowadays’ requirement and demanding of society and readjust the assessment of English ability, such as giving priority to the language speaking and communicative skills. Secondly, the ESL teachers’ applications of teaching methodologies are incredibly essential with this regard. Teachers may attempt to adopt the other approaches in their classrooms, such as the communicative language teaching approach and task-based methodology. They can also carry out some communicative activities like group discussion, role-play, games, etc. which enable students to join the class initiatively and actively. Only language learners take part in the classroom learning activities completely can they be responsible for their own learning.
  According to the analysis on the state of EFL/ TESOL education in China, this paper identified the major characteristics of EFL teaching and a number of problems existed in the process of English teaching in China and reviewed the related previous studies on this issue. It can be seen that as the economies and cultures of world are more and more interconnected with each other, people in these days really need to use English for different purposes. It is high time to Chinese educators and learners to realize the importance of communicative skills and transfer their teaching and learning strategies.
  [1]Hu,G.(2002).Potential cultural resistance to pedagogical imports:The case of communicative language teaching in China.Language,Culture and Curriculum,15(2),93-105.
  [2]Hu,G.W.(2004).English language education in China: Policies,progress,and problems.English Language and Literature, 5-24.
【摘要】教学创生就是以教材为依托,不断拓展教学资源;以学校常规活动为载体,创生教学资源的教学方法。通常是建立在教学计划与教材的基础上开展的一系列教学活动。在高中英语写作教学中,教师借助这样的教学方法可以提高写作教学的质量,提升学生的写作效率。所以本文就对基于教学创生视角的高中英语写作教学策略进行一些探究。  【关键词】教学创生 视角下 高中英语 写作教学 策略  写作在高中英语教学中占据重要地位,
【Abstract】English writing ability is emphasized in English teaching without any doubt. And this article attempts to reexamine the teaching of writing and explain the nature of writing from an aestheti
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【摘要】目前,我国普通中小学已将英语纳入初中必修课之一,并且作为升学考试的主科之一。所以,无论是从英语的学习和英语对学生的升学影响来讲,都十分重要,但是,初中生接触英语,对这门非母语的语言的学习还存在一定的不适应性甚至更严重的排斥性,如果这些因素存在,对学生的学习和老师的教学工作的开展是很不利的,因此,老师在进行教学工作之前首先要做的就是概念教学。  【关键词】初中英语教学 概念教学 教学目的及内
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断执行,英语教学在初中教育中越来越受重视,很多初中英语教师在阅读教学中采用新式的教学方法,分层教学策略就是其中之一,不过不少初中英语教师在运用分层教学过程中,出现部分问题,影响教学效率。本文主要针对初中英语阅读教学过程中的分层教学进行深入研究,并且制定一些教学方法,希望对同行有所帮助。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读教学 分层教学策略 运用  初中英语教师在阅读教学过程中,要
【摘要】英语学习在高中阶段是必经之路,也成为大学阶段学习的敲门砖,且阅读占到了高考知识的45%,成为高考乃至英语学习成败的关键,本人通过分析高中阅读存在的问题,提出了一些解决办法,为提高高中阅读能力打下良好基础。  【关键词】  引言  中国已成为世界经济发展的引擎,与世界交流越来越频繁,如何培养大众英语水平,毋容置疑,英语的重要性十分重要。英语的地位在中国教育中也得到了飞速的提升。特别是作为高中