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也许人们早就注意到了,菲律宾前总统阿基诺夫人非常喜欢黄色衣裙。游行集会发表演说,就职仪式庄严宣誓,总统府内会见宾客,五洲四海访问奔波,好象她的服饰在黄色中定格定型了,莫非黄色对于她有着特殊的意味? 一次闲暇,有意无意的话题牵引,阿基诺夫人叙述了自己常穿黄色衣裙的缘由。她的亡夫、菲律宾前反对党参议员贝尼尼奥·阿基诺生前长期遭受当时的独裁总统马科斯的囚禁、迫害而流亡异域。他酷爱一首叫《系一条美丽的黄丝带》的流行歌曲,歌词大意是从前有个遭受长期监禁的囚徒,在即将获释时,因不知能否得到妻子的原谅,便写一封信,说如果欢迎他回来的话,就请她在村口的老橡树上系一条黄丝带。1983年,贝·阿基诺要回国时,菲律宾的民主运动已日趋高涨,为欢迎他而组织的筹备委员会就号召群众穿上黄衣服或系上黄丝带。就在贝·阿基诺飞抵马尼拉的那天,机场外是一片黄色的海洋。遗憾的是他刚步出机舱就被人暗杀,未能亲眼看到那震撼人心的人类历史上的服饰奇观。 People may have noticed long ago that Mrs. Aquino, former president of the Philippines, likes the yellow dress very much. Parade rallies delivered a solemn oath at the inauguration ceremony, the president’s house to meet guests, four continents to visit and rushing around, as if her dress is fixed in the yellow stereotypes, is that yellow has a special meaning for her? A leisure, the intentional or unintentional topic traction, Mrs. Aquino described why she often wore a yellow dress. Her late husband, Senate Benigno Aquino, a former Philippine opposition protégé, was persecuted and exiled in exile for a long time under the imprisonment of the then authoritarian President Marcos. He loved a popular song called “Department of a Beautiful Yellow Ribbon”, the lyrics to the effect that there was a prisoner who had been subjected to prolonged imprisonment. At the time of his release, he wrote a letter because he did not know whether he would forgive his wife. If she was welcome, she would invite her to wear a yellow ribbon on the old oak in the village entrance. When Beck Aquino returned home in 1983, the democratic movement in the Philippines was on the rise. The preparatory committee organized to welcome him called on the masses to wear yellow clothes or yellow ribbons. Just the day Aquino arrived in Manila, the airport was a yellow ocean. Sadly, he was assassinated as soon as he stepped out of the cabin and failed to see for himself the thrilling wonders of human history.
蜗牛,按其形态、特征的不同,可分为盖罩大蜗牛、散大蜗牛、亮大蜗 牛、非洲大蜗牛等几种。北方称之为“水牛”,南方则叫做“天螺”、“蜒蚰 螺”。蜗牛肉质肥嫩,是一种低脂
衰老是每一个人都不可避免的,然而没有人不在寻找长葆青春的途径,期待 Aging is inevitable for everyone, but no one is not looking for long-Baoqing youth way, lookin
时下,一些过去被认为是粗贱的粗粮食品,突然大受人们的青睬,这一饮食潮流使我想起了当年插队川东綦江县南部时的一款乡间美食——麦粑。 那是知识青年上山下乡的年代,我刚初
本人创制的叉炸网包毛毛鸡和蚝油皇焗绒毛鸭,推出已数年了,曾受到许多中外专家的好评价。现将此肴的用料及制法介绍给广大读者。 叉炸网包毛毛鸡 用料:绒毛小鸡10只 猪网油1