一亩甜菜两头猪 种养结合高收入

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尚义县大营盘乡位于北大滩,地势平坦,水利条件好,但土壤pH值较高,不利于粮食作物的正常生长。由于甜菜耐盐碱,1994年种植的380亩水浇地甜菜喜获丰收;总产肉质根250吨,出售170吨,每吨售价226元,平均亩收入110元;1亩甜菜叶分批采摘可饲养两头肥猪,除去莜麦,饼粕等少量精饲料开支,纯收入1900元以上,这样计算,1亩甜菜总收入超过2000元,大营盘乡因此成了全县种养结合创高效益的典型。 甜菜田播种前采用大拖拉机深耕,使土壤疏松,有利于扎根和肉质根膨大。亩施农家肥2500公斤以上,4月下旬播种。畜力平作条播行距50~60cm,每亩用种1.2公斤左右,穴 Shangyiyou Daying Township is located in the North Beach, flat, water conditions are good, but the soil pH is higher, is not conducive to the normal growth of food crops. As a result of sugar beet salinization, the beetroot planted in 380 mu of irrigated land in 1994 won a bumper harvest. The total output of fleshy roots was 250 tons and 170 tons were sold, with a price of 226 yuan per ton and an average mu income of 110 yuan. Picking can raise two fat pigs, remove oats, crackers and other small amount of refined feed expenses, the net income of 1,900 yuan or more, so calculated, 1 acres of beet total revenue of more than 2,000 yuan, camp township has become the county planting and raising combined with a high Typical benefits. Sugar beet fields before planting a large tractor deep plowing, loose soil, is conducive to rooting and fleshy root enlargement. Mushi farmer 2500 kg or more, sown in late April. Beautification for the broadcast spacing 50 ~ 60cm, with about 1.2 kg per acre, points
1 目的 资兴市果茶研究所地处东江水库之中的湖心岛上,海拔300~450m,土壤成土母质是石灰岩风化物,pH值6.0,有机质含量为1.44%,全氮0.17%,碱解氮142ppm,速效磷3.87ppm,速效钾269
摘要:小学阶段是英语学习打基础阶段,教师可引导学生通过大量英语材料的阅读来积累丰富的词汇;可以通过形式多样的训练培养小学生形成英语思维习惯,从而提高英语写作的水平。  关键词:低中年级;英语写作能力  中图分类号:G623.31文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)21-096-2  英语写作是小学高年级英语学习的一个重要内容。作为英语教学中不可缺少的一个重要环节,它不仅反映出学