
来源 :西北农业学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DayaL
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采用分层挖掘法对新疆阿克苏市枣-冬小麦间作系统中果树和作物根系空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明,枣树吸收根根量在垂直方向主要集中在0~80cm土层,占总量73.11%,水平方向主要集中在距枣树0~100cm,占总量的56.31%;小麦吸收根根量在垂直方向主要集中在0~60cm土层,占总量的83.05%,水平方向分布比较均匀,距枣树50~150cm根量占总量52.30%;综合来看,距枣树50~100cm、土层0~60cm是枣树和冬小麦根系交错最严重的区域。 The stratified mining method was used to analyze the root distribution characteristics of fruit trees and crops in jujube-winter wheat intercropping system in Aksu, Xinjiang. The results showed that in the vertical direction, the root mass absorbed by jujube trees mainly concentrated in 0 ~ 80cm soil layer, accounting for 73.11% of the total. The horizontal direction mainly concentrated in 0 ~ 100cm from the jujube tree, accounting for 56.31% of the total; In the vertical direction, the amount mainly concentrated in 0 ~ 60cm soil layer, accounting for 83.05% of the total, horizontal distribution is more uniform, from the root of jujube tree 50 ~ 150cm accounted for 52.30% of the total amount; comprehensive point of view, jujube tree 50 ~ 100cm , Soil layer 0 ~ 60cm is jujube and winter wheat root staggered the most serious area.
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