
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:squarestone
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目的:了解我国公立医疗卫生机构人员工资的相对水平。方法:分别根据《中国统计年鉴》工资数据和估计的实际收入,将公立医疗卫生机构人员工资水平与全社会平均工资、可比行业工资比较;将公立医疗卫生机构人员的实际收入(含估计的“灰色收入”)与发达国家和转轨国家进行比较。结果:根据统计数据比较,我国公立医疗卫生机构人员工资高于全社会平均工资,但大幅低于其他专业技术服务人员。根据估计的实际收入,跟发达国家相比,我国公立医疗机构医生收入相对于人均GDP的比率水平偏低,但与其低限国家接近;与转轨国家相比,相对收入水平与之相近。结论:我国公立医疗卫生机构人员的实际相对收入处于偏低但可接受的水平,工资制度改革的目标是要提高其合法收入,遏制其“灰色收入”。 Objective: To understand the relative level of wages of public health institutions in our country. Methods: According to the “China Statistical Yearbook” wage data and estimated real income, the public health and medical institutions, the wage level and the average wage of the whole society, comparable industry salaries; the actual income of public health institutions (including the estimated “Gray income”) compared with developed countries and transition countries. Results: According to the comparison of statistics, the salary of staff in public health care institutions in our country is higher than the average salary of the whole society, but significantly lower than that of other professional and technical service personnel. According to the estimated real income, compared with developed countries, the ratio of doctors’ income in China’s public medical institutions relative to GDP per capita is low but close to that of its lower limit countries. Relative to the transition countries, the relative income level is similar. CONCLUSION: The actual relative income of public healthcare institutions in China is at a low but acceptable level. The goal of the reform of the wage system is to increase its legal income and curb its “gray income”.
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