Image-based numerical study of three-dimensional meso-structure effects on damage and failure of het

来源 :颗粒学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanlinliuliu
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This paper proposes a numerical three-dimensional (3D) mesoscopic approach based on the discrete element method combined with X-ray computed tomography (XCT) images to characterize the dynamic impact behavior of heterogeneous coal-rock (HCR).The dynamic impact loading in three directions was modelled to investigate the effects of the 3D meso-structure on the failure patts and fracture mechanism,with different impact velocities.The XCT image-based discrete element model of HCR was calibrated through appropriate standard uniaxial compression tests.Numerical simulations were carried out to investigate how the breakage behaviors are affected by different loading directions with different impact velocities.The loading direction,input energy,and spatial distribution of the mineral phase had a remarkable influence on the failure patts and load-carrying capacities.The shape of the gangue phase and the approximate location of the gangue interfaces are key parameters to consider when investigating the failure patts and fracture mechanism of heterogeneous rock materials.The damage and fracture tended to propagate from the surfaces to the HCR interior.The gangue phase area contacting the loading wall,growth direction of the strong gangue interfaces,and loading directions greatly influenced the failure patts of the heterogeneous rock materials.
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