Phenological study of Sargassum thunbergii(Fucales,Phaeophyta) in Lidao Bay,Rongcheng,China

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baoyw00
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We conducted a phenological evaluation of Sargassum thunbergii,a common algal species,along the coast of Lidao Bay,Rongcheng,China.The local S.thunbergii population entered a maturation period from early June to mid-August,when seawater temperature was 14.4 to 25.1°C.Our results suggest an increase in temperature and day length during this period initiated thalli maturation.Inhabitants of the low tidal zone had higher thalli length and biomass compared with those from the mid- and high tidal zones.We observed a switch in the length frequency distribution and contribution of length classes to biomass between the small(<20 cm) and long(20–79.9 cm) length classes at the time of thallus maturity.This suggests there is a trade-offbetween sexual reproduction and vegetative regeneration. We conducted a phenological evaluation of Sargassum thunbergii, a common algal species, along the coast of Lidao Bay, Rongcheng, China. The local S. thunbergii population entered a maturation period from early June to mid-August, when seawater temperature was 14.4 to 25.1 ° C.Our results suggest an increase in temperature and day length during this period initiated thalli maturation.Inhabitants of the low tidal zone had higher thalli length and biomass compared with those from the mid- and high tidal zones. We observed a switch in the length frequency distribution and contribution of length classes to biomass between the small (<20 cm) and long (20-79.9 cm) length classes at the time of thallus maturity. This suggests there is a trade-off between sexual reproduction and vegetative regeneration.
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1 实验装置如图 1所示 ,其中A、B为两个金属圆筒 ,直径约为 6cm ,高 8cm左右 ,C、D为两接水容器 (可用普通小铁桶制作 ) ,它们分别通过金属片跟A、B两圆筒连接 ,并起固定A、B两圆筒位置
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