The writer’s contribution to the reader’s literature depends on the quality of the work. Qinling’s short story “Kill Granville Stick” was praised by critics as “the most intriguing novel in 2011” (Duan Chongxuan’s 2011 Short Stories Review, contained in the literary newspaper, February 13, 2012) , Qinling’s medium-length “Huangliang” was once rated as “Vibrato” (from Qin Xi’s “China Culture Daily” on April 22, 2008), at least, Qin Ling’s novels , Has always given the literary world to provide a different quality. Investigating Qinling novels, I think of two words: sexy, realistic. Link these two words together, probably a creation of Qinling. These two seemingly completely do not take the boundaries of the words in the Qinling view, they were originally rooted in the same family, sexy is always