
来源 :中国食品卫生杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zbl666
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目的了解苏州市食源性疾病暴发事故流行病学特征和趋势。方法收集2001—2013年苏州市各地报告的食源性疾病暴发资料,并进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2001—2013年共发生食源性疾病暴发343起,发病7 213人,无死亡病例。总体呈下降趋势;食源性疾病暴发高峰期为第三季度,占总起数的46.9%(161/343);食源性疾病暴发多发生在集体用餐场所,占总起数的56.6%(194/343)。报告明确或可疑致病因子的214起事故中由微生物或可疑微生物引起的占70.1%(150/214),毒素引起的占16.4%(35/214),化合物引起的占13.6%(29/214)。在实验室检出致病因子的168起暴发事故中,83.3%(140/168)的事故由10种致病因子引起,其中副溶血性弧菌导致的最多,达61起(36.3%),发病人数达1 436人。2009—2013年食源性暴发事故报告的109起中查明原因食品的共72起(66.1%)。原因食品被归因为5类食品,分别为水产品(33.3%,24/72)、肉制品(23.6%,17/72)、其他食品(15.3%,11/72)、混合食品(13.9%,10/72)、蔬菜(13.9%,10/72)。在暴发事故中较明确的致病因子-食品组合有:红细胞凝集素和皂甙-蔬菜(菜豆)、毒蘑菇及其他植物毒素-野生植物、组胺和河鲀鱼毒素-水产品、农药-蔬菜、亚硝酸盐-调味料、副溶血性弧菌-水产品、金黄色葡萄球菌-肉制品。导致暴发的污染环节最多的是交叉污染(44.2%,50/113)。结论对苏州市13年报告的食源性疾病暴发分析有利于加深对食源性疾病暴发流行病学特征的了解,食品安全监管部门、食品生产经营者和消费者可以利用此资料预防食品生产或经营中的污染,减少食源性疾病发生。完善报告信息管理系统有助于提高报告率。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics and trends of foodborne illness outbreak in Suzhou City. Methods The data of the outbreaks of food borne diseases reported in Suzhou from 2001 to 2013 were collected and analyzed by descriptive epidemiology. Results A total of 343 food-borne outbreaks occurred between 2001 and 2013, with a total of 7 213 people without any deaths. The overall incidence of foodborne diseases was in the third quarter, accounting for 46.9% (161/343) of the total. The outbreak of foodborne diseases mostly occurred in collective dining establishments, accounting for 56.6% of the total 194/343). Of the 214 incidents with clear or suspicious causative agents, 70.1% (150/214) were caused by microorganisms or suspicious microorganisms, 16.4% (35/214) were caused by toxins and 13.6% (29/214) caused by compounds ). Among the 168 outbreaks of virulence factors detected in the laboratory, 83.3% (140/168) were caused by 10 virulence factors, of which 61 (36.3%) were the most common cause of V. parahaemolyticus, The number of patients reached 1 436. A total of 72 (66.1%) of the total food products were identified for the 109 food-borne outbreaks reported in 2009-2013. Reasons Foods are attributed to five categories of foods: aquatic products (33.3%, 24/72), meat products (23.6%, 17/72), other foods (15.3%, 11/72), mixed foods 10/72), vegetables (13.9%, 10/72). The more specific virulence factors in the outbreaks - the combination of foods are: hemagglutinin and saponin - vegetables (beans), poisonous mushrooms and other phytotoxins - wild plants, histamine and polonium - aquatic products, pesticides - vegetables , Nitrite - seasoning, Vibrio parahaemolyticus - aquatic products, Staphylococcus aureus - meat products. The most polluting links that led to the outbreak were cross-contamination (44.2%, 50/113). Conclusions The analysis of foodborne disease outbreaks reported in Suzhou in the 13 years is conducive to deepening the understanding of the epidemiological characteristics of foodborne disease outbreaks. Food safety regulators, food producers and consumers can use this information to prevent food production or Operating in the pollution, reduce foodborne diseases. Improving reporting information management systems can help improve reporting rates.
<正> 目前我国新型十法水泥生产正在发展,人型悬浮预热窑及预分解窑生产线正在建设。为研究、“消化”引进的先进技术和经验,以使这些生产线建成后能够顺利地转入正常生产,发
目的了解湖州市传染病自动预警信息系统在传染病暴发早期探测的应用情况及效果,为进一步完善和优化预警系统提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对2008 2013年湖州市传染病自
●案例简介:   甲与乙签订租房合同,甲将一店面房租给乙经营茶庄,租赁期自 1996年 1月 15日至 2001年 1月 14日,第一年租金 2万元,以后每年递增 10%,等等。签约后双方各自履行了义