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10月20日,古巴领导人卡斯特罗参加了古巴圣克拉拉市艺术学校的毕业典礼,并发表了一个小时的演讲。演讲结束后,他在走下台阶回到座位时突然摔倒,身边的保安人员随即将其扶起,让他坐在椅子上。群众中有若干妇女开始哭泣,有些人高喊卡斯特罗的名字并挥舞着国旗。而将这位古巴领导人视为“眼中钉”的美国政府则公然声称,不希望看见卡斯特罗尽快康复。卡斯特罗本人则忍住疼痛,开玩笑说:“国际媒体已经拍下我摔倒的照片,明天肯定会刊登在世界各大报纸的头版!”这一事件显然只是古巴人政治生活中的一个短暂瞬间,但透过它,我们却能捕捉到40年来几乎所有左右卡斯特罗政治生涯的元素:他与美国的恩恩怨怨,古巴人对他的爱戴,他的 On October 20, Cuban leader Castro attended the graduation ceremony of the art school in Santa Clara, Cuba and gave an hour’s speech. When the speech ended, he suddenly fell over as he returned to his seat, and the security guard immediately raised him up to sit in his chair. A number of women in the crowd began to weep and some shouted Castro’s name and waved the national flag. However, the U.S. government, which regards the Cuban leader as a “stubborn”, has openly declared that they do not want to see Castro recovering as soon as possible. Castro himself put up with pain and jokingly said: “The international media have already taken photos of my fall and will certainly be published on the front page of every major newspaper in the world tomorrow.” This incident is apparently just a Cuban political life But through it we can capture almost all of the elements of Castro’s political career over the past 40 years: his grudges against the United States, his love for him, his love for him
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